I do not know why my framework laptop will only detect networks 20 percent of the time with ubuntu. is is very frustrating and annoying so i would GREATLY appreaciate any help at all with this issue

Welcome to the Framework Community! Please refer to the Community Support posting guidelines and update your post to include all of the listed information. Thanks!


Happy to help. First, please provide the details requested above so we can be effective in helping.

Also, we do have an article and even an application I wrote that may be of some help.

The application is to be used when you’re not sure where to start. It needs access to another computer that has internet and a flash drive to transfer the needed bits over, but it’s super easy and the instructions are very clear to follow. Please read the instructions very closely.

If you’re able to provide a screenshot of the fixer’s output or at least describe its output, I can help.

It will test for and attempt to remedy:

  • Checks if the wifi radio is off, turns it on.
  • Restarts NetworkManager if down, then fixes it by restarting NetworkManager (GNOME).
  • Checks for Airplane mode. turns it off.
  • Checks for Intel wifi modules, if not loaded - detects and loads them.
  • Is a VPN causing problems? Checks for VPNs in case it’s blocking something.