Seventh update on Framework Laptop 16 shipment timing

Any news on the flex fix?

Any news on the flex fix?

Welcome to the forum

So do you have a 16" or is the ‘issue’ or something delaying your decision to buy?

Stating your situation and ‘liking’ the previous one would bump the issue maybe more usefully ??

we should have an update very soon!

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We don’t have a Framework laptop yet. I’d like to buy several Framework 16 for my company, but I’m a little put off by the flexible keyboard.

Our company, which is located in France, is not set up to place small additional orders, so I hope that if I order them before the fix, that you will be able to send us the fix free of charge for all the laptops.

Thanks for the info but I am just a forum user. My only other connection with Framework is that I bought a 13" 28 months ago.

If this is the only issue holding you back, I’d offer that I find this criticism overblown. I’ve had mine since March and I do not feel flex when typing. Sitting there deliberately pushing on the keyboard in an unrealistic manner, yes I can see that it does flex some, but I don’t feel it one bit when typing.

It’s not a spectacular keyboard. It’s no 2010 Thinkpad or 2006 Inspiron (don’t sleep on old Dells!), but I’ve touched a lot of consumer laptop keyboards in the last few years and I’d put this one well above average for sure. Unless your use case is especially sensitive to keyboard quality, or you are just a keyboard enthusiast, I don’t think the reports of flex should prevent you from buying.

That said, now that there might be an upcoming modification, maybe you might as well wait for the update!


i have a post-preorder framework 16 (ordered june 30 and received early this month) and i cannot get the keyboard to flex without pressing hard enough it’s physically unpleasant. it’s bordering on “i think i’m about to damage the device” pressure.


Do you know when that update might be coming?

really really soon!


how soon is soon? inquiring minds want to know

Emails should have been sent out today to all those affected.

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I haven’t received any email today :frowning: (I was on batch 1)
Could somebody share information how to get a repair kit? I saw it’s already should be available

Hi Dmitry!

From looking into this with the team, we do see that we sent you this email and it shows on our end as delivered (did not bounce). Are you able to check your spam folder or search by the email subject of “Update on Framework Laptop 16 - Keyboard Deflection Kit” to see if you can find it?

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Replied in PM

FYI, (batch 6) did get the email today.

I’m probably going to sign up to get the kit. I don’t notice it (the keyboard flex) often, but on occasion I do.

so a bit belated, i put my attention on other things, but i purchased my fw16 after the preorder series completed (in july), and i do not seem to have pads depicted in the guide in my machine, nor did i receive an email about it.

it’s all quite confusing, and in particular i’m puzzled why there wasn’t a publicly visible post about the final disposition of this issue, given the visibility it had as one of the ‘obvious’ flaws, in the perception of some.

not that i thought it was a super big deal, personally, it just seemed like the kind of thing to apprise at least this span of the community on.

This is the installation guide: Install Keyboard Deflection Kit - Framework Guides

Most recent video we have shared about it:

I believe we also reached out to the affected customers via email, not sure why you haven’t received an email if you do not have the kit in your laptop.

i figured it probably had something to do with being a post-preorder purchase with the international linux kb (so the kit might have been sitting on a shelf longer than one might assume)

someone on the fw discord dm’d me the form, and i did fill that out… should that be sufficient, or would it be appropriate for me to contact the support team?

I believe that should be enough but you can contact them if you have any questions.

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