Site got spammed, or did the site get injected with data?


It happens from time to time. Though I haven’t seen so many drop in at once. Just flag as spam.

Once they get a couple flags, I believe they will be auto hidden.

~edit~ I just went through, flagged them, and now most are hidden.

For example Velo credit .loan .number💊8597536221+✔8597536221 clg la and I have clg la and I have a. This thread can now only been seen by direct link. It no longer shows up in the normal list of threads. I believe such posts hidden by user flags go into a queue & a mod can restore it if the flags were wrongly applied.

Ah I forgot, a Trust Level 3 user’s spam flag will actually hide Trust Level 0 posts immediately (pending confirmation by a mod). Presuming standard discourse forum settings are used here.


It happens. They get flagged by the system or users. The threads are deleted and the users blocked and deleted.

Unfortunate but just the reality of the internet these days.


Also - timing. It’s no coincidence that this occurred in the wee hours of the morning on a weekend, when they think no one’s around.

But regulars are around and moderators on differing hours like @2disbetter are too. :slightly_smiling_face: