[SOLD] Framework Laptop 13 Display Kit - Original, Germany

Device: Framework Laptop 13 Display Kit - Original
Included Parts: Framework Laptop 13 Display Kit - Original
Original Purchase Date: 23 Dec 2021
Region/Country: Europe/Germany
Price (and accepted payment methods): 109 € including shipping (within Germany) / Bank transfer / Kleinanzeigen
Shipment option/shipment price: DHL Paket 2 kg
Pictures of the actual laptop/parts:

I recently got the 2.8k display, so I don’t need the original display anymore. I couldn’t find any scratches on it, so I’d say it’s in pristine condition.

I’m selling a top cover as well, if you need the cover, display and hinges send me a pm with your offer.

The display has been sold on another platform.