[SOLVED] Key Binding Help

I’m having a bit of a weirder issue with my keyboard. My 1 key at the top of the keyboard isn’t working properly and I don’t know how to fix it. I’ve tried all the standard solutions and none of then have solved the issue. I even tried rebinding the entire keyboard to no avail. If anyone has a solution to this it would be greatly appreciated.
Attached are 2 screenshots to show the key isn’t physically broken, it just doesn’t want to bind.

Never mind. I’m just stupid. If anyone else comes across this issue, make sure to check each of the layers in the configure tab. Somehow I managed to change the 1 key to Right mouse click on layer 3. SMH.

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Welcome to the forum.

However as you do not say which laptop you are using and the keyboards you show are images of software, it’s not very clear what really is going on

This was on the Framework 16 with the English RGB Keyboard, though the issue could happen on any computer that uses custom key binding.

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