[SOLVED] My Framework 13" 7640u won't boot after changing thermal paste, Help!

Hello, I recently change the thermal paste of my framework 13" 7640u, before changing the laptop booted as usual and ran, afterwards following the guide to taking it off and in reverse to put it back on, I was only able to get the code GRGGRGGGGGRGGRGGGGGGGG out of it, I reseated the mainboard along with all the connectors, and battery pins were a little bent but was easily fixed, plugged in fully assembled only shows a white led

Hello @Actyst,

You should contact support with your issue. The question I keep thinking about is why the Framework Laptop 13 with 7640U needed to have the thermal paste replaced if it was under warranty.

Give the POST codes to support and let them know what happened. Just because the battery pins were bent back in place does not necessarily mean they did not suffer from a solder disconnect at the board level.

Presumably non-conductive thermal paste was reapplied, otherwise it could be a much bigger issue if something is now shorted out.

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I forgot to give an update, but just reseating the ram again when talking with support fixed the issue, thanks for your help.