[SOLVED] Scratching noise problem with dGPU and CPU temperature

Hello everyone.
Getting my Framework 16 with dGPU was satisfied. But a few days later, problems began with scratching noise in the dGPU (22.05 confirmed the replacement of the dGPU - so far no one has contacted me for a replacement), today I noticed that I have inadequate CPU temperature readings under load (very large temperature discrepancy), the difference between the cores is about 23.6 degrees Celsius, I wrote to support (silence so far). After such problems, I already regret that I bought this product for such money. :frowning:
When I turn on the dGPU, my laptop freezes for 2-4 seconds, this happens only when switching between iGPU and dGPU.

There is a backlog with the RMA team. They should respond to you soon (not including today as it’s a holiday).

This is normal.

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And the temperature of the CPU? Is this also normal?

From my personal experience, no however, I’m going to leave the official response to support.

I had a similar temperature delta on my CPU. Received a replacement board and the delta is still there. It’s happening on the same exact cores as my previous board. Waiting on a reply from support on this.

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I already feel like a tester of this laptop (only I’m not paid, but I paid a lot of money). It’s just horrible.
I hope support will solve my problem and everything will be fine.

Some delta is normal. 23C seems high.

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If there was a delta of 5-8 degrees, I would not write. But I think 23 is too many.

I haven’t checked temperatures but noticed a scratching sound in mine, ingress of small debris like hair or thread was the culprit. Maybe pull a fan out and see what’s scratching?

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I have already removed the fans, cleaned them. But the scratching noise remained. This noise appears when the dGPU is under load.

Thanks for letting us know, you should hear back from the support/part replacement team very soon.

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I’m waiting for a new laptop. I will check and write the result.

Received a new laptop on Saturday. Now the delta is between 5 and 9 degrees, the dGPU has sound but not as loud as on the first laptop.
Thank you Framework Team

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