[SOLVED] Steam on Framework Chromebook Edition

In particular, I bought one of these for my daughter to replace her OG Google Chromebook. We are trying to get steam games working it (one of the reasons I with with the Framework). Stardew valley has a lot of graphical/mouse glitches, and I’d love to find some help for her.

There doesn’t seem to be one specifically for Chromebook editions. Are you running steam through the ChromeOS Store (there was a beta program for that last year, is it in main chromeOS releases now?) or through ChromeOS’s Linux environment?

The low hanging fruit fix for any steam game problem is disabling the Steam Overlay in settings. Select the game, go to the 3 dots in the info pane, and there should be an option in the popup somewhere to disable the overlay for that game. It’s not likely to work for a relatively recent game like Stardew Valley but it’s worth a shot.

Since there doesn’t seem to be a chromebook specific section I’d suggest just placing (chromebook) in your titles.

We installed steam from the store, but there were some additional steps (switching to the dev channel and running some terminal commands) following this guide: How to play Steam games on a Chromebook | PCWorld

After a restart or two, the graphics glitching seemed to go away and it’s working well now.