[SOLVED] USB Port Reset Failed

Hey Everyone! First off loving this new Framework 16. Basically exactly what I was looking for. However I am noticing this weird issue where it seems port 1 on hub 5 seems to keep failing to reset. I am not sure if this is charging related or something else as it happens on or off charger (180w one from framework for reference). Attached is a snip of the device. Anyone else having this issue?


Any idea what kind of expansion card might be plugged into that port?

Just a thought, but if you plugged a DisplayPort or HDMI card into a port that doesn’t support it, you might see something like that, as well as that it wouldn’t produce any output.

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Ahhh being new to the family here, and specifically the Framework 16 with the specific types of slots that work for display, that seems to have been the issue. I had an HDMI card in slot 5, so that must = hub 5 on device manager. Moved it to slot 4 and reboot. Viola! Port Reset Failed no longer a thing and all seems to be working correctly. Let this post serve as a artifact for others not following the guide here: Guide on Ports that work for specific cards.

Thanks Chad Nelson!!


Thanks @DJ_Brock. Do you mind updating the title to note that it’s solved? This is a good reminder that not all the ports are the same. Also, thanks for linking to the guide :slight_smile:

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