I’m trying to install Windows 11 2H22 from USB, but I get an error message basically telling me I need a media driver to find my hard drive. The driver pack does not appear to have a usable driver for me to use. The NVME is a Samsung 980 Pro.
Anyone have something I can refer to get this fixed? Probably need a driver from Intel, but not sure where to go. Thanks!
Yes, I had the same problem a few days ago, try different ports or rebuild your bootable device using different tools. I also have an issue with shutting down or restartin that I couldn’t resolve. Now im trying to install ubuntu.
Okay I recreated the USB using Microsoft’s media creation tool, and it worked fine. I had done this before, but it didn’t work… may have fumbled something. Anyway, Media creation tool worked for me, too. Thanks for the input!