I’m investigating about the feasibility of an idea of mine, where in current audio daughter board’s place would be a USB based codec IC installed on it.
I found that my 11th gen mainboard has an unpopulated DCI connector (marked JDCI), but surrounding passive components seems to be there to support it. (While 11th gen interfaces document in github having no such thing, 12th gen document does mention it.)
I currently don’t have the means and resources available to really verify following questions myself, I have no scope nor any other hackish tools at my current location for a while.
- Is the interface functional, even though it has no physical connector?
- If yes, as the DCI is basically a debugging protocol over USB, can I use the D+ and D- lines of the interface for any generic USB2.0 use, as I don’t as a customer need the DCI?
- If yes, is it possible to get connector model or the pinout, so I could skip the reverse-engineering the connector?
The connector pads seem so nice and big, that hacking new usb2.0 based functionality to those would be really tempting. Thanks for any responses!