[TRACKING] 7040 Series Bios update hangs?

Hi I did an Bios update usinghttps://knowledgebase.frame.work/en_us/framework-laptop-bios-and-driver-releases-amd-ryzen-7040-series-r1rXGVL16
The docs say it will reboot.

6. System will reboot, and you can unplug the USB drive.

On my laptop is no reboot. Does this means the update hangs?
It displays PD2: 0.0.1E —> PD2: 0.0.1C
On the right corner: there is PD2: 0.0.1C marked with a green checkmark

Ok the update was successful. Maybe change the documentation? :slight_smile:

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Not something I’ve experienced in my updating, but valid feedback. I’ll share with the engineering team as existing documentation has worked as expected during our testing and during the community beta.

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Maybe I’m too autistic.
When I read there will be a reboot, I expect it happens automatically.
This is for people like me something else than: Wait for the 4 Steps (reach 4 green check-marks) to be finished and reboot youre laptop.
thx a lot

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Actually this is valid feedback. If you’re experiencing this, others may be as well. :slight_smile:


This happened to me as well. Since the cardinal rule of BIOS updates is “do not reboot unless you are absolutely, positively sure that it succeeded”, I think it would be good if (in decreasing order of preference):

  1. The updater rebooted the system when it was done;
  2. The updater clearly indicated that it was done (e.g., by showing a big green tick, and/or a “Update complete. Please reboot your system.” message); or
  3. The KB article clarified that the updater might not reboot automatically, and what “done” looks like for this updater.

Hi @Jack_Kelly, welcome to the community!

To be clear, despite this issue your BIOS did in fact manage to update? Appreciate the feedback, just need to understand the state this brought you to.

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Yes. Successful update, the same as the OP: progress bar filled (it’s hard to see what “full” actually is, let’s just say that it stopped moving), and all four items in the bottom-right had green checkmarks. Rebooted and got the new BIOS 3.03.


Odd behavior, will pass this on. Delighted you’re all updated, though! :slight_smile:

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Hopping on the bandwagon to let you know that I also experienced this behavior. I came looking since I was afraid to power it off manually.


Filing an internal ticket, need EVERYONE here who experienced this to be clear how they updated?

  • Windows
  • LVFS
  • UEFI Shell
  • Verify you are updating 3.02 to 3.03 please.
  • What was attached (Peripherals, displays, etc, and how where they attached)

Please indicate which method was used and link to your original posts, please.


Bump - we really need this info please.

Filing an internal ticket, need EVERYONE here who experienced this to be clear how they updated?

  • Windows
  • LVFS
  • UEFI Shell
  • Verify you are updating 3.02 to 3.03 please.
  • What was attached (Peripherals, displays, etc, and how where they attached)

Please indicate which method was used and link to your original posts, please.

Link: [TRACKING] 7040 Series Bios update hangs?
UEFI Shell
Updated to 3.02 to 3.03
No Peripherals beside the USB-Stick

Appreciate this. Can you use your phone to take a video of the LED blinking that may be happening and the screen you’re seeing? We’re trying to capture the blink codes.

I don’t get what you want. The update was successful. What blinking do you want me to take a video of?

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The light sequence on the side of the laptop, known as blink codes.

Sorry for the irritation I’ve got. So even my bios upgrade was successful you want me to film the the boot-sequence? Coze the only led that’s on right now is the one for the charger?
I’m just irritated, as I thought my upgrade was successful, why should I film led lights.

Ah, missed that. If it’s successful, don’t worry about it. You’re set.

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