Trackpad module is a bit bent when I got my fw 16

Hi there, I’ve just got my all new fw 16 laptop. It’s great so far. However, I noticed when installing my trackpad module, that it is a bit bended in the upper left corner. Do you now if this is normal or what I can do about it? It’s doesn’t diminish my experience of using the laptop but it’s a bit annoying nonetheless.

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Cheers Painting Paul

Hi and welcome to the forum.

As you say you installed then this is a DIY version, so the obvious thought is ~ is it seated properly.

With the module removed if you lay a straight edge along the top side do you see a bend and can that be straightened by hand ?

And you can search for similar issues.

A 13" issue ~ resolved

16" Spacers


Hi, thanks for the quick reply. Yes, it’s a DIY version and I’ve checked several times that the trackpad is seated correctly. I’ve now tried to straighten the bend with my hands and it did work out to my satisfaction - thanks for the tip!