Issue of touchpad spacers and the number of customers bothered by it

Now that I’ve got a Framework 16 in my hands, this is a little worse than I thought it would be.

I’m thrilled to have the computer, would have rather had it earlier with its fit and finish issues than later without them; but I don’t think I can recommend, in an unqualified way, the laptop to normal people in its current state.

I could show them mine, point out the flaws, and then recommend it. That’s different though.

Three issues:

One of my metal touchpad spacers is less flat than the other. Holding them up to each other, I can’t really perceive the difference, but the plastic clip, thing, underneath one does have a hairline gap between it and the metal on one side, and not on the other. The result is, while installed, the defective spacer is raised on the left. It’s not bad enough to cause real problems, but it is bad enough to catch your thumbnail if you drag it across the seam between the spacer and the touchpad assembly, and it looks noticeably worse than the other spacer in its place. It’s possible that I caused this issue while bending the spacer to not have the corner sticking up, which would have been an alternative problem, I guess… It didn’t fit quite right out of the box, either way, and I can’t find a way to bend it to lay flush, though I have tried.

Second issue, either of the plastic spacers, installed left of the keyboard, have enough play that you can tap them gently with your finger and get two plastic clicks, one down and one up. The rubber patch on the bottom doesn’t make contact with the middle plate all the way through. (I shimmed it with some folded paper, which is… fine)

The keyboard itself has a similar issue to the spacer on the upper left, so that typing is kind of distracting. It’s a gap between the middle plate and the keyboard. I shimmed that with paper the same way. (It got me thinking, that can’t possibly be intentional, but then, why does the mid plate have all those vent-looking holes?)

I also found that the middle plate is very sensitive to how it’s screwed down. They put those numbers on the screws for a reason, and it helps if you also use your non-screwing hand to “smooth out” the plate like it’s a piece of paper, around whichever screw you’re working on.

Without these minor fit and finish issues, there is an unrefined aesthetic quality to the seams between the various components. I do love the concept, though, so I’m not sure what to make of that. I could easily see it turning people off, on the one hand, but on the other, I’d rather keep it as-is myself, provided everything can be manufactured and shipped just-so. I’ll probably eventually be playing with the various swappable modules.


Personally, after 3 weeks i really haven’t noticed the spaces being uneven at all. I regularly switch between an external mouse and the trackpad, and while i can sometimes notice that they are uneven, it is only when i am directly looking or thinking about the issue. The issue i have really had is that the trackpad is a touch shorter than i am used to, but i have already started building that muscle memory.

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I’m hoping the later batches are more refined on the spacers. I’m Batch 13 so I’ll probably have my laptop in about 3 weeks and I’ve been a little worried about the spacers. There seems to be quite a bit of variation between everyone who’s gotten theirs so far. I’m hoping mine ends up being fine and that I’m not bothered by it. Unfortunately I won’t know till I get it. But this sounds promising and I’m aware of one user who hasn’t had any issues with theirs (either a good set or preference isn’t bothered by it, IDK).

I keep seeing the unevenness all the time. The notebook is sitting besides my PC both at home and at my workplace. Right on the desk. Can’t unsee the spacers. Each time I lay my hands on them the bad spacer moves and creates an uneven edge. Looks totally amateurish. =(

I’m not sure, the section that prevents the trackpad from being one unit left of the keyboard seems like it wouldn’t exist if the left “ear” on the keyboard wasn’t double wide, and at least on the RGB US Keyboard I have it doesn’t look like that’d be entirely necessary, it perhaps made PCB layouts easier or has some other electrical benefits, but IMO it doesn’t appear to be physically necessary.

There are definitely issues that come up with trying to have the trackpad 2 units to either side, but feels like 1 unit left wasn’t really something they had to block (granted, this is just on my sample size of my 1 keyboard and lacking any sort of insights onto the challenges they had in designing and manufacturing the keyboards).

Since I got mine now, I can say, that the spacers and also the touchpad are indeed a bit bent. I don’t have issues with hairs being captured in the gaps nor does it hurt in one way or another, but it really doesn’t look good. I’ll try bending the spacers and touchpad a bit, should be doable.

So I got my FW16 earlier today and I’ve been getting it setup. I have to say that for my spacers I don’t really notice them. The right side is slightly bothersome but the left looks mostly fine to me. I would like to see these refined a bit but honestly so far it really doesn’t bother me. We’ll see when I get some more time to use it and really look at it.

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After using mine for about a week I can say I would really like a single spacer that is double sized. I moved my touchpad all the way to the left to be right under my keyboard and my two single size spacers to the right under my numpad. I keep getting my arm hair caught in the tiny gap between the two spacers. I would happily buy a single piece double sized spacer to prevent that from happening.

Otherwise I am loving this laptop and I am happy I purchased it.

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It’s really not the far left or right. You’re just moving the trackpad 34mm left or right of center (subject to the limitations as mentioned by @Semptum). Would have been nice if it could move further.

This is a repost of a meme I posted in the Batch 17 thread.


I’m so glad to see the photos of slightly not quite flat trackpad plates, means it’s nothing i did or didn’t do, it’s just not flat.

Mine is the same as well. I suspect the metal is flat as cut, but then the gluing everything on the back of it causes stresses that make it curl fractionally.

I also have issues with this. I’ve had my laptop for a few weeks and wanted to give it time to settle in before I commented on this.

When it first arrived I was wearing long sleeves a lot of the time and the touchpad spacers didn’t cause any phyiscal problems. I’ve been wearing teeshirts the past week and it’s very uncomfortable.

I was getting poked/scraped by an unaligned spacer and it caught the little hairs on my arm. I tried to bend down the offending spacer and now instead of having one corner that is slightly raised, the whole thing is slightly curved to be “u” shaped with an upward ‘bow’ in the middle.

I still “see” it every time I open my laptop and feel unhappy at this very obvious flaw. It’s not bad enough to return but it is definitely (IMO) bad enough for alternatives/re-engineering down the road.

Since it doesn’t interfere with the function of the laptop I would be willing to pay for an alternative spacer down the road.


I am honestly quite surprised that some in really a bad condition go through the quality check. It is not that difficult to notice and it could take like 30 seconds on each laptop to check whether the spacers/touchpad are okay or not.


It is not the spacers that have the problem, it is the touchpad itself that is not flat.

Sorry, I misread it then. But same applies for the touchpad/any other easy-to-spot quality issue, as well.

I guess I’ve been lucky, since mine sit really nice and flush together. Can barely notice a ridge when running fingers over it


these ones are really good

Same for me!

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I almost returned my Batch 4 because of the spacers sticking up at the edges. I probably won’t return it at this point, but they do remain the most irritating part of this thing.

A proper fix would go a long way, personally.