Ubuntu 22.04.4 on FW13 Intel suddenly boots with unusable desktop

Framework 13 Intel 13th gen running Ubuntu 22.04.4 for over a month now. Previously running the linux-oem-22.04c kernel. It’s plugged into a Dell WD19S USB-C dock that is used for power, ethernet and 2x external monitors. I typically leave my laptop plugged in and powered on for days or weeks at a time(charge set to 90%) without rebooting. I have Ubuntu’s live patch enabled and am updating packages almost weekly.

Yesterday I powered it down after my work day and brought it with me on an errand where I ended up not needing it. After plugging it back into the dock at home and powering it on, I noticed it wasn’t giving any graphical or text prompt for the LUKS passphrase. I eventually determined that it is prompting but I could not see it, only the last kernel messages. After typing in my passphrase, I was presenting with the greeter login page which was a lower resolution that normal. After logging in I was presented with the attached pictures for my deskop on all 3 screens.

I have tried booting to the latest 6.5.0-17-generic LTS kernel, of course the latest 6.1.0-1035-oem kernel as recommended by Framework, and the previous 6.1.0-1034-oem and 6.1.0-1033-oem kernels.When booting straight to any of these, there is no visual prompt of the LUKS passphrase, though it is prompting. Typing it in will decrypt the drive and continue to boot. The greeter login page is a lower resolution and booting into the desktop looks like the attached pictures. Though other than the unusable desktop environment, it looks like everything works, including my external monitors.
Booting any of the above kernels into “recovery” mode shows a text prompt of the LUKS passphrase(though not the typical graphical prompt) as well as the greeter login page looks to be the correct resolution. Logging in and booting further, there are no colorful artifacts on the main laptop screen, but nothing seems to work from the dock I’m plugged into other than ethernet and power. No external monitors. I haven’t tested USB devices.
Also, after booting into this recovery mode, usb-c modules plugged into the rear module slots closer to the screen do not work except for providing power. Nothing plugged into either of them will show up in dmesg.

I have tried reverting to the previous linux-firmware package which was updated 2 days ago. No change. I also removed the Intel graphics repository and reverted all packages to the versions provided from the Ubuntu repositories. No change.

I can’t speak to the other problems, but I’ve seen (so to speak :wink: ) the invisible password screen many times on my own systems (home-built AMD desktop and Lenovo Thinkpad T480 – still waiting for my new Framework to arrive :slight_smile:). If I hit ESCape once on that screen, I get the text-mode prompt; hitting it a second time usually brings up the proper graphical one.

Your problem description somewhat reminds me of another I’ve seen on this board. There was mention of resetting the motherboard for that one. I don’t think that would cause any problems, other than losing the date and time and possibly any BIOS settings you’ve changed from the default, but if you want to be extra-cautious, I’d suggest reaching out to Framework support before trying it.

No amount of hitting ESC or flipping between tty’s changes anything on the screen when booted normally to the kernel.
I have been in contact with Framework support and one of their first suggestions was to set the BIOS to defaults. This didn’t make a difference either.
The other step support suggested was to test booting to a live usb, which did work perfectly fine. I could probably wipe the machine and start over but I would rather not and there’s no guarantee. This seems to me like some simple driver being wrong or out of whack in some way. Since it’s having issues in the initramfs, it seems pretty low level.
As stated, I already tried reverting to previous kernels which were running fine but that didn’t make a difference. I tried reverting to the previous version of linux-firmware, which also didn’t help. I also removed all of the Intel VGA drivers and packages installed from Intel’s repository which I had installed and reverted to everything from the stock Ubuntu repos. Still no difference.

Yes, if a live USB didn’t have the same problem, then it’s almost certainly a software issue. Good news in that you don’t have to wait for new hardware, but not so good news in that you probably will have to reinstall everything from scratch to fix it, if you don’t have a system backup from before the problem happened. :frowning:

I’ve tried reinstalling the entire X11/xorg system on one of my machines, in an ultimately-futile attempt to track down a random crash-the-OS problem (which turned out to be hardware-related, something I didn’t realize until I’d given up and reinstalled everything from scratch). It’s not for the faint-hearted, and I don’t recommend it, but if you don’t want to reinstall from scratch, something like that is probably the next logical step for this problem. I can’t offer a lot of guidance on it, just tell you the steps I tried if you want to go that route.

At this point, reinstalling everything from scratch is probably going to be a lot less of a hassle. As long as you have your entire home directory (including hidden files and directories) safely backed up first – something you should have in any case! – it shouldn’t be a major problem. Under Linux, it’s a LOT easier to recover from a problem by reinstalling the OS from scratch than it is under Windows. Before I switched to Linux full-time in 2007, I used to have to reinstall Windows and my entire environment of programs once or twice a year, and it always took me two full working days to get to 95% of my pre-reinstallation setup, even with backups of the installers already downloaded; under Linux, it might take me two hours, at most, and much of that is the time it takes the OS to download the software packages on my relatively-slow Internet connection.

Sorry it’s taken so long to respond to this. I completely forgot about posting here. I removed the Intel GPU repository and reverted the packages installed from it and all has been well ever since.