Vertical Lines Going Down Screen

I am experiencing the same issue sadly.

Started as stripes, now it is just 1 big black bar.

Interesting that it is in the exact same place as the post above.

I’ve contacted support. Hopefully I get this replaced. My AMD FW 13 laptop is only 2 weeks old.

An update, support has already shipped me a new screen.

I provided one more round of photos of the case and bezel area for their assessment and they quickly agreed that the screen should be replaced and have shipped me a new one.

I am glad that this has been resolved so quickly.

I am hoping that the next screen is more reliable and that this was just a one off.


My replacement screen has now failed in the same way, but on the right hand side instead of the left. I have contacted support and will begin the “take many photos” dance, but I suspect there’s something going on here. I will be inquiring about replacing the top case and/or bezel and not simply the panel this time. If they aren’t willing to entertain these ideas, I may simply inquire about a full return/refund. User repairable is an amazing and wonderful thing, but having repeated panel failures makes me very nervous. Having the option to self-repair, I strongly endorse, having a need to self-repair frequently makes me very, very uneasy.

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This is really worrying.

that post was from 2 years ago… while there is another small increase in support response times lately, what we saw two years ago was Framework support beginning to fall behind, then hiring and training more employees to handle the increase in demand. This is likely what will happen again, there will be a small lag from when support starts to fall behind in responses, which will be the time that they are hiring and training new support team members, then a catch-up and control once that has been completed.

FW support escalated my request and the escalation tech offered “send it in for service”. Since that would replace this defective matte LCD with yet another likely defective matte LCD, I have declined. I’ll share any response.

Welp, they are investigating with their manufacturing partner, and sending me another replacement matte LCD. I think I’ll probably order the 2.8K screen as soon as it’s in stock, as a more permanent fix.

Hi @Forge,

Glad to hear they are sending you a new screen. Could just be bad luck in screens. I am amazed with how delicate LCD panels are that they are not more defective. This technology has come a long way, but the laws of physics will always rule. Thin fragile things will always crack easily.

Well, funny you should mention that, because my failures didn’t show any screen damage. It’s all the wiring at the bottom that died. I tested my first failed panel and am currently testing the second one, and it looks like the wire runs between the controller board and the LCD proper are what’s failing in both cases. The original glossy panels have the same physical layout, and my Chromebook has the same top panel/bezel design, but the glossy panel in it is going on two years now, IIRC, and no issues. I think there’s something to be found/fixed, but my gut read is that FW will just throw replacements until the bad panels finish filtering through the market. Might be another reason they’re pushing the 2.8K panel pretty hard, too. Different OEM, no defect.