Welcome! Please introduce yourself - 2nd edition

Hi, welcome to the community, hope you like it here. Thank you for your feedback as well! :heart:

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What’s really funny is my brother and I were talking about a modular laptop design around 15 years ago. Swappable ports, graphics, CPU, etc. Then you guys come around lol

While I have you here, this keyboard is amazing. I am writing a few novels and, though I primarily do it from my desktop, I have been wanting a laptop with a good keyboard. Razer is okay, but their keys always seem a little… wobbly I guess? My early thoughts on FWs keyboard was that the keys felt a little mushy. But after using it for writing and taking notes in class, I find my initial impression was way off. I honestly don’t think I have ever had a better typing experience. And that backlight is perfect. Color, brightness, function key to toggle. Just awesome.

I also geeked out over the use of magnets everywhere. That seriously made aligning the typing cover and screen satisfying- just snaps right in place.

Also, my ITIL instructor said he might have to switch back to windows (currently using macbook air) after seeing the FW lol


I appreciate the feedback, i’m sure our internal teams will de delighted to hear your feedback, cheers! (as a person who writes A LOT, I also think that the keyboard is very neat)

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He could always use Linux on it, doesn’t have to be Windows.

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That’s very true. I don’t think his issue was directly with windows though. More that apple has the upgrade program and tends to have better build quality. I did mention that there is support for linux on them too, though. He seemed fairly interested. The biggest issue with linux is the programs they use for taking exams only support windows or mac

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Hello everyone,
I’m from Germany and in my early 50s. So I apologize in advance for my bad English.
I have been working with computers since the 80s. I have always been very fascinated by technology. I also work professionally in the IT sector. And I’ve always been annoyed that on laptops you can usually only replace the RAM and the hard drive. The RAM modules are now also soldered. So after a while you were always forced to buy a new laptop for a lot of money. That’s why I’m even more excited about the Framework Laptop. Because here, a lot of things can be replaced or repaired with little effort.
That’s why I’m currently planning to buy the Framework 13 with some expansion cards.
I’m looking forward to being a part of this community soon.


Hi! I am a software engineering professional and hardware tinkerer. I used to build computers from parts from the time I started using PCs, but later it became unsustainable for me since I needed systems that were more portable.

the need for portability moved me to laptops. Although many laptops are harder to service I would occasionally still fix them, but unlike the joy I got from building PCs I found working on laptops frustrating.

Then by word of mouth I heard about Framework over a year ago. At the time I wasn’t interested in a 13" laptop for a few reasons.

  1. I’m getting older and my eyesight isn’t what it used to be as I’m far sighted it’s hard to read smaller screens.
  2. I needed a laptop with more USB ports than the 13" offered.
  3. I needed a system that has significant umph for 3D editing and software development

When the 16" became an option I was ecstatic and just needed the money which I received last year. Now I’m on the waiting list anxiously awaiting my turn to receive my 16" build kit. :smile:


Hey, welcome to the community! We have quite a few international members do please do not apologize for your English, as long as we can communicate somehow it should be fine! I’m sure you will be bringing some insights about technology with your 30+ years of experience in the industry, I’m looking forward to your posts here. Welcome!


Hey there, welcome to the community! I’m so happy to hear that Framework Laptop 16 sounds like a good match for you (as a person with bad eyesight, I definitely get it) and you enjoy using it once you receive it. Hope you have an amazing time with your laptop and enjoy your time here in the community! Welcome!

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Hi everyone,
French guy here. I’m on this forum for a year but only reading posts (everyday). I was looking for a new laptop for years without finding a proper one. I was not far to bought a HP ZBook and Framework start speaking about Laptop 16. It will be the one :). Very cool community and staff with huge transparency, I love it !


Hey, I would say welcome to the community but I see that you’ve been here for a year! I’m happy that you decided to join the conversation!! Thanks for joining us!

hi there,

i’m someone who runs a music project at https://draconium.productions, writes code for money, and pretends to be a dragon on the internet. i got the framework 16 with the intention of using it to tinker and work while on the move (i was hoping i’d get it before my trip to the UK in november, but obviously that didn’t happen)

i’ll be hanging around here and probably share what antics i get up to


Welcome to the community Draconium! I’m not sure if you are the first dragon of this community but I know for sure that you are not the first music producer/musician here. We’ll be looking forward to see how you will use Framework Laptop 16 for your music project. Hope you enjoy your stay!

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Well said and welcome. Safe to say we’re all pretty excited oh yeahhh {kramer voice}.

I hope some day I get to say: I was an early supporter of a tenacious little company hell-bent on (finally) disrupting the industry for the better once and for all. They succeeded spectacularly. Well-established players panicked and were forced to change… like… everything so they wouldn’t get left behind.

Sure that’s the ultimate dramatic scenario, but you just… never… know. Much stranger things have happened. Anyway don’t step on my dreams :blush:


is Framework Laptop 16 is more reliable for music projects?

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I’ve had computers since before “normal. People” had computers… My first upgrade was removing 8 individual ram chips off of my 286 motherboard and installing 12 new ones to upgrade from 640k to a whole megabyte on the advice of a friend. Then I found out that anything above 640 wasn’t going to get used by normal programs in DOS 3.0 or 3.1 or whatever we had at the time lol… Every PC I’ve had since that time I built myself, until the convenience of laptops became too hard to ignore. I have been using a 13-year-old laptop until the power port burned out on me recently because I refuse to spend money on some piece of crap laptop that I’m not going to like. Fast forward to last week when I saw a Lewis Rossman video that mentioned framework. Now I have a 16 on order! Can’t wait for Q2 2024! I have a feeling there will be things I don’t like about this laptop. But the fact that I can buy parts for it and upgrade or repair any part of it will keep the warm and fuzzy feeling going for many years to come.


well, I’m not a music producers myself but we have folks here who can answer that question, once they receive their laptops.

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Welcome to the community! I hope Framework Laptop 16 meets your expectations and you enjoy using it, upgrading it and repairing it for many years to come.

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Hi everyone! I’m currently a student a little over half way done with my degree in Management Information Systems with a concentration in Cybersecurity.

I found out about Framework through YouTube and immediately fell in love with the concept, and its usability with Linux. Unfortunately, I am a bit late to the party since I’m in Batch 16, but I know it’ll be well worth the wait.


My name is Tim, and I am a family father of several children. I am a passionate FullStack software developer, and my life’s purpose is to contribute to a better, more peaceful world. Sustainability is also an important topic for me, and I have always wrestled with myself because the constant acquisition of new hardware is anything but environmentally friendly. That’s what brought me here, and I have become a great admirer of this fantastic project. Although so much effort, manpower, and capital have already been invested in this project, for which I have great respect, there is still much to be done. If Framework succeeds in realizing even more individuality for their products, especially in terms of color, different panels, and processor architecture, I will also one day be the proud owner of a Framework notebook and pursue my work with pride.