Welcome! Please introduce yourself - 2nd edition

Im a Sec Engineer (ans also sys admin because company wont hire enough people…)
I was given free budget to pick w/e laptop i wanted to replace my Dell and Macbook that were my work systems.
My Framework 13 AMD on Fedora with a Windows VM has replaced both of those systems as daily workhorse.

welcome to the community. Enjoy the hardware!


More reliable than what? what is the basis on? and using what interfaces/hardware/software?

if you use some specific software that is bias towards Mac, then no probably now (Scarlett Audio as an example - they put more dev/effort in their Mac drivers than Windows, and rely complete on community drivers for Linux)

but is Framework hardware reliable? yes. i can say without any doubts that Framework systems have great quality control, and work as advertised.

If your question is more about firmware of MIDI devices, drivers, and OS with specific DAW/modelers, thats not really a hardware issue but software.
I’ve only messed with Amphub and reaper with a basic Interface (i only play guitar) and it has had zero issues.


Welcome to the community! It will be an interesting wait for sure, hope you like it here.

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Welcome to the Framework community Tim, thank you for your kind words!

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Hello my name is Sean. Forgot to introduce myself a while back. Love my Framework 13 and looking forward to the Framework 16. Hope you all enjoy the Holidays Framework Team.


Welcome to the community Sean!


Polymath, soul surfer, can’t concentrate on just one thing. Must learn “All the things”
Retired from Medical Device R&D world, learned about Framework from the Start 9 community. Wood Metal Audio artist. Love to make purdy things for people that look and sound good.
Hope to share something productive


Welcome to the community!


Hi, everyone!

Educator and researcher in the fields of information systems and business analytics, got my Framework Laptop 13 AMD DIY last week, run Debian 12 and use it for teaching, research, paperwork / office productivity, …

Been using Lenovo laptops for more than one decade, but this time I have chosen a Framework since I did not want to replace the Laptop whenever the battery has reached EOL once again. I really like Framework’s concept of being repair-friendly in terms of construction and spare part supply.


Welcome to the community!


Hello everyone!
Professional software engineer, casual game developer, and thus by necessity, occasional 3d artist. Favorite engine to work in is Godot, have worked in Unity and Ren’Py, always willing to figure something out if it’s good for the project I want to build.
I’m jumping into this ecosystem to have a long term, sustainable, powerful machine for travel and local games running at, for instance, local breweries and such. I will be running Arch on mine. Please point me to relevant dev docs / threads on the subject, as above, willing to learn.
Looking forward to it all!


Welcome to the community! Can’t wait to see your art/games you will create on your Framework machine!


hello there. new framework user


Hey all! I saw the write up on PCGamer about the factory seconds 13” and after learning more about Framework laptops, I had to order one. I used to work for Apple, but since they switched to the M series SoC with no way to upgrade, I started switching to PC.

I now have a main PC (Ryzen 7950x based) and a second PC (Ryzen 7900x based). I am a livestream video producer. I’ve held on to my old Mac laptops, but I’m getting tired of the limitations… so here I am!

If I like the 13”, I will most likely grab a 16” later down the line so I can take advantage of the GFX options. The Framework “Framework” is a dream honestly. As a PC builder, I love what Framework brings to the market!

Can’t wait to get my new “ish” first Framework laptop!


Welcome to the community, hope you like using Framework Laptop 13!


hello there new user! o/

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I’m French, freelance devops engineer. And a proud new owner of a 13" AMD laptop. I received it last week and am really excited about it.

I came to discover frame.work by looking for laptops that would offer some easy battery replacement options. I’m careful with my stuff, so it generally does last quite some time (my previous laptop is more than 10y old), but as usual, the first thing to die is the battery, and a laptop with a dead battery is a bit of a pain in the a. Usually, I manage to revive them by replacing the 18650 cells, but even that is getting complicated.

So, I’m really happy about the whole product: the laptop is beautiful, powerful and displays very qualitative parts, this is just awesome.

Just one thing though: I didn’t realize that the RJ45 module would be so bulky. It makes it quite impractical for transport. If I had realized that, I probably would have bought a USB hub featuring RJ45 connection, which would have resulted more handy and even cheaper.

But this is just a detail, I’m glad I bought this laptop and really enjoy it. Keep up the good work, and cheers to you, frame.work guys !


Welcome to the community, we are delighted to hear that you liked your Framework Laptop! Please keep sharing your feedback.

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Heard about Framework shortly after my father tasked me to help find him a laptop for when he retires. He worked as an environmental science prof at a local university. So, naturally, his eyes lit up when I told him about these laptops and the general philosophy behind the products.

Found Framework after searching “modular laptop”. Was sold on Framework when I saw a number of trusted technology content creators all hyped about it (watched all the Linus vids too xD). I’m so excited to see that Frameworks goal is to maximize longevity, opposed to capitalizing on fragility.

I’m currently operating a small environmental consulting business. I am probably going to purchase two DIY 13" AMD stations, with max specs, at the end of this year with the full intention of migrating all operations to these laptops. I do most of the copywriting and advertising currently, and my stack is relatively demanding. I’m SUPER excited to see if I can get an eGPU working with it to improve render speeds and maybe do some light gaming. I’m also a PC building enthusiast so I’m pretty pumped about the DIY assembly too.

Thank you Framework! Finally, a laptop thats not designed to make the consumer a literal delivery driver to the landfill.


Welcome to the community! We hope that you and your father love our products! I can’t wait to see your feedback from an environmental perspective as well as the feedback as a PC building enthusiast!