Welcome! Please introduce yourself - 2nd edition

Hi all,
I’m a desktop support person by day, and an all around computer geek/nerd by night. I love sourcing things ethically where I can, and I love the idea of upcycling FW components.

At home I daily drive Linux Mint and love it. I gave up having Windows as my primary OS over a decade ago, but still have a couple Windows 11 virtual machines for gaming that my laptop can’t handle. One of the virtual machines is on my laptop for updating firmware on devices and running some annoying software that won’t work in WINE. The other VM is running on a Truenas Scale desktop server I have off to the side. That VM has a dedicated gpu passed through for better graphics performance. I’m hoping to do something similar with the FW 16 I have on order.

For anyone having Linux issues I’ll be doing lots of testing once I get my machine in the next week or two. I’ll of course be installing Linux Mint, but I’ll also test Ubuntu, Pop!OS, Debian, LMDE, and maybe even Fedora. I’d love to help hammer out any issues for the community at large.


hey everyone,

I work with cloud infrastructure, automation, cybersecurity and ETL… I spend a lot of time homelabbing and recently started an open source python project for incident response. Maybe it will be useful in a few years.

I have a framework 16 with GPU. Love it so far, can’t wait to see what other mods come out for it.


hey everyone,
i’m an industrial robotics guy by trade, but i dabble in just about everything.
got an amd framework 13 so i could fix my laptop easier and for the fantastic github repository.


Hello guys
Newly graduated Mechanical Engineer from Denmark.
Looking forward to finally be able to purchase an AMD Framework 13.


Welcome to the community fvilers, Will_McCoy, 3d6564, mrvn and Nicolai_S_Brand, it’s amazing to have you all here!

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Hello everyone!

I am a Software Release Manager with a background in IT and DevOps. I am also known as the unofficial scorekeeper for the public radio show Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me as I’m the creator and maintainer of the Wait Wait Stats Page.

I just got a Framework Laptop 16 and running Fedora + KDE as my primary personal laptop.


Welcome to the community!

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Hi, I am Stefan from Germany, Bavaria.
One month ago I ordered the Framework Laptop 13 (Intel Core Ultra Series 1) for Linux.
My favourit distros are EndeavourOS and Arch Linux.
I also have a Pinetab 2 and several Raspberry Pis.


Not exactly new here anymore, but I never did post…

I’m a mechanical engineer by day and a hobbyist/tinkerer with electronics most other times. I enjoy interesting projects of both hardware and software flavors, and especially enjoy when I can combine them.

I have the 16 with the dGPU for such demanding games as Noita and FTL, and I am planning to use it to learn Linux and maybe start finally contributing to (free and) open source projects.


Welcome to the community Stefan!

better late than never!

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I’m a software engineer from germany using my Framework 16 professionally and privately for everything from coding to gaming and office to live music production. I am dual-booting fedora and AVLinux.


Welcome to the community!

I’m a retired sysadmin, whose Dell XPS developed keyboard trouble. So I checked the YouTube videos on replacing that keyboard, which made it look possible. Was able to order an OEM keyboard through an Amazon 3rd party. Took the XPS apart, only to discover that in the more recent version Dell has taken to gluing mounts for other components onto the back of the keyboard. No way to salvage those, so no way to replace the keyboard unless you’ve got a fresh copy of the mounts Dell glues to the back of it.

In a few days of having it, the Framework 13 AMD is clearly better made. It’s a bit thicker and heavier, but nicer keyboard, trackpad, screen, and of course internal component design. The only hangup so far is that slot 0 won’t recognize RAM. Fortunately I got a single 16G stick with it, which does work fine in slot 1. I’m assuming this will be a warranty part replacement.

Xubutu is highly compatible so far.


I am a young father and electrical engineer. My first computer in the 90s was a build it yourself affair. (Yellow and brown) I learned so much about computers and how they worked by having to put them together and build them myself. My kids are getting to the age I want to start introducing them to technology and the internet, and I want them to have a similar expeirence I had growing up. The framework laptop looks like a great way for me to start teaching my kids in the same way I learned. The machine can also be repaired and seems to be very rugged for its form factor which is perfect for kids to make mistakes with.

I just purchased a factory seconds machine and with parts laying around the house I plan to finish out the machine. Plan is to start by teaching them the hardware components and let them put it together under supervision. Since their is a vibrant linux community I will teach them the software side by having them load linux in the same way i had to load Windows 95 across a stack of floppy disks.

Never the less I am excited to support this product and community.

I noticed the forum supports Markdown, the below is just a test to understand capabilities

sudo emerge -avuDU @world

It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena , whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat. - Theodore Roosevelt


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Welcome to the community! Please don’t forget to contact our support team if you have any hardware issues.

sounds like a great plan, welcome to the community!

Hi, I’m tinkerer, cat owner and cloud engineer. I’m glad that, despite everything, there is a company whose goal is not only profits :slight_smile:
For us for people :robot: it is very important to own, take care and respect things, not only electronic stuff, but everything else and that is why I decided to take a risk and buy hardware that I can modify :slight_smile:
I hope community will be helpful here If any problems occur


welcome to the community, please share pictures of your cat with us!!

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I’m glad You asked! :smiley: actually I have two cats