What new Expansion Bay types do you want to see released?

It would be great if the expansion bay battery could support CPU that would work on 100% for one day… this would be amazing.

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45W * 8h = 360Wh, that’s a bit unreasonable and you would not be allowed to take it on airplanes.

If by day you meant actual day and not workday, it gets even more crazy, that would take a bit over 1kWh and would not be very portable.

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Full SD card. My 3d printers run off SD cards and its a pain. Easier to add a full SD slot then mess around with unreliable Raspberry Pi and extra power cables ect.

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An expansion to plug in a second Framework 16. Like Battleship, but with laptops.

Does this have practical value? Probably not. Would it be hilarious? Absolutely.

For practical purposes, a flush ethernet port, a serial port, and maybe an expansion port or two. I run into enough situations where I would like both of those ports and fiddling with adapters gets real annoying real fast.

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40Gbit p2p thunderbolt link may be practical to exchange data or something.

how about 85Wh+ ×3 (= 255Wh+) with possibly with something like this with tweaks Multipurpose Expansion Bay Module

That is ever so slightly less unreasonable though it would still be significantly heavy and bulky, not to mention that the electronics needed to make the rest of that expansion bay even somewhat work would add quite a bit of power draw (and cost) themselves and you would have to somewhat make the batteries individually removable to still be able to take it on planes.

At that point it is probably a lot better to just stick with the base laptop and just carry a big usb-pd power bank when you need it.

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@Adrian_Joachim i still want both a removable battery (preferably in addition to the internal 1) and a dgpu in the same laptop at the same time and yes this is not for everyone

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The removable battery is probably happening but it’ll neither be anywhere near the size you are asking for or also allow a dgpu at the same time.

I could see a battery+occulink expansion bay module happening though.


Oh, mate, that could be living the dream right?

There’s a bit of a derth of occulink docks in the market. FW could engineer one pretty easily I suspect… and it’d largely silent the “we want a bigger GPU” crowd for the medium term, until either AMD releases more product or nVidia modules can be engineered. Such a dock would even draw sales from people without a Framework at all.


LTE expansion card

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Has anyone said coffee grinder yet?


What about an expansion that provides an enchanced cooling for the CPU?
For instance it would allow the internal fans spin slower and it could have more and/or other ways to cool the system.
A cooling expansion card.

I don’t know about the performance of the initial one that’s “included out of the box” but what I’m thinking about is about pushing the CPU further while still retaining low temps.

The thing is that cooling is never enough especially in a laptop. So why not make a cooling-focused expansion.

“classic” docking connector for semi-stationary use at multiple locations. Docking station with lots of connectors as desired (legacy DVI and/or Displayport and/or HDMI for use with existing monitors, ethernet, USB-A, 3,5mm headphone jacks, legacy serial ports, power) and optional active components like graphics cards.
Alternatively, a row of the small expansion slots like the six on the sides of the FW 16, as real estate to the side of the laptop is better used for other things than bulky cables.

EDIT: That’s for the FW 16 graphics extension bay, not the standard small ones.


I have a customer who has to rely on a 2010 macbook pro because he’s a musician and is forced to use firewire. So going back and making all of these old ports accessible would be really cool

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What I really really want to see in an expansion slot 1-2 SD-Card readers and at least 1 CFExpress card reader!

When I’m out on a shoot I want to be able to copy multiple audio recorder cards (full size SD cards) and my camera card (CFexpress) onto my laptop. Yes I have my dongles and I hate that everything is a dongle! Someone make this happen plsss :pleading_face:

CFExpress type A cards are similar in shape to SD cards, not sure how different they are electrically.

CFExpress type B cards have a different physical shape.

You have to specify which is desired.

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CFExpress type A cards are similar in shape to SD cards, not sure how different they are electrically.

SD Cards usually hang off a USB bus, CFexpress cards are PCI-E AFAIK.

CFExpress type B cards have a different physical shape.

You have to specify which is desired.

My camera gear uses type B. To be honest, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a type A in the wild. At least any of my colleagues cameras all also use type B

I think some Sony cameras can use CFEXPRESS type A.

Nikon is supporting Type B.

Not sure about Canon or others.

Mine are Nikons, D500, D850, and Z6.