Which way is the Framework 13 screen polarized?

I often use my computers outdoors or in vehicles while wearing polarized sunglasses. Very few reviewers mention anything about screen polarization, and it’s never listed in specification tables.

How is the Framework 13 LCD polarized? Will I be able to use it while wearing standard (vertically-polarized, I think) sunglasses?


As long as you don’t lay your head sideways you should be OK. It looks like they did the right thing. As a corollary, if someone makes a case in which a framework screen is used in portrait, it will be problematic with polarized glasses.


Imagine the assembly changes BOE had to make to screw up the panel. i.e. why would it be different from the rest of the industry?

When you buy sunglasses, do you ask “which way are the lens polarized”?

LoL…Which way do you lay the bricks?

Fantastic, thank you! This is great news.

The industry isn’t consistent. Over the last twenty years I’ve owned laptops polarized at 0, 90, and 45 to the horizon.


How about over the last 5 years?

I asked Framework support some time ago and got a response today. They may have misinterpreted my question, or maybe they don’t know?

Thank you for showing interest in Framework Laptops. We understand that you would like to see a Framework Laptop compatible with polarized sunglasses.

For now, these are not available. While we cannot promise or speculate on the possibility of including these in future iterations of our product, we appreciate your suggestion and will pass these along to the appropriate department.

lol…almost as if it was responded by a ChatGPT / Copilot trial.

Framework does not use AI – that is a pre-written response for product requests.

It sounds like the support agent misunderstood the question. They’re human and mistakes happen. Just reply and tell them that you were asking for specs and not requesting a product.

I can tell you for a fact that for example the Alienware X15 R2 (which I believe was released in 2022) cannot be used with polarized sunglasses due to the orientation of the polarization.
So it’s very much still a thing