Why is Linux on the Framework so resource intensive?

I use Firefox, Signal Desktop and Mullvad VPN myself

I and others have found Firefox using an unnecessary amount of CPU on some websites ( some repeatable, some not ). When using Firefox in Xwayland mode, that issue is gone. I think it’s a bug in Firefox when in Wayland mode.

so I set two environment variables to disable Firefox from using Wayland ( previously I re-compiled Firefox with Wayland support disabled )


This alone improved my battery life by a lot ( I consider it a lot )

Use power profile daemons >=0.23 and Linux >=6.11 as that supports disabling reducing GPU frequency and disables CPU boost when using power-saver profile ( which I use commonly )

I’ve set my Active Backlight Management ( ABM ) to 2 on the kernel parameter


If your using KDE Plasma <=6.1.x, there is a bug when using panels ( nearly everyone does ) where when hidden ( auto hide ), it’s causing an unnecessary amount of draw calls. Until KDE Plasma 6.2 stable is released ( I use Gentoo, it’s still in testing and someone mentioned it’s fixed for them ), I’ve simply set my panels to not auto hide, again this greatly increase my battery life

The Firefox and KDE Plasma workarounds ( temporally thankfully ) have both increase my battery life by a lot ( I consider it a lot )

I’m on Framework Laptop 16