WIFI and Bluetooth

Keep losing Bluetooth and WIFI ?

Hi and welcome to the forum, not that I may be of much help

Such a short statement . . . . . . it’s customary to give details

11th, 12th, 13th Gen etc.
What did you use to set up?
What Wifi card do you have, in later models they may be included even in DIY

What OS are you using?

How long has this been going on?

Which BIOS are you using?

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Framework sent me a new 11th Gen motherboard as i was having problems with the RTC battery and the laptop would not power up on battery power only when the charger was plugged in (RTC battery would go flat). Problem started with new board. Running Windows 11 pro (new install and key) Framework sent a replacement WIFI and BT card the standard one. BIOS is the latest and the drivers.


Hello! This may be a problem with the antennas!
They’re known to be a bit fragile, and it’d be a good idea to check them out :slight_smile:
However, there may be damage that’s not visible, and it may be worth replacing them with some $3 cables off aliexpress!

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