Wifi Consistently Drops ~50% of Packets on Debian

I have an AMD 7040 Framework 13 running Debian 12. I just purchased it a few weeks ago, so would assume it’s the latest generation.

Over the past week or so it has developed an issue which has so far eluded all of my efforts to troubleshoot it. For the first ~20 minutes after booting it, wifi works as expected. No concerning packet drop, videos stream fine, all is well. Interestingly, this is only the case if it is completely powered off when started, not rebooted. After a little while it starts dropping packets and slowing down to the point where it’s basically unusable. Running constant pings shows about 50% packet loss.

So far I have tried:
Disabling power management
Disabling IPv6
Disabling link speed negotiation
Swapping the initial RZ616 card for a newly purchased RZ616
Swapping that for an Intel AX210 (and installing associated firmware)
Connecting to multiple APs on both 2.4 and 5GHz
Booting an Ubuntu live image
Checking the reasons for the packet drops with dropwatch, which returned incomprehensible (and un-Googleable) results

None of these had any effect, with the exception of the Ubuntu live image, which was actually worse. There it wouldn’t even see 5GHz networks long enough to connect to them and had the same ping issue immediately, rather than needing to wait a while.

Happy to provide any command output, though someone may have to tell me how to format it. If anyone has fixed similar issues or can point me in the right direction that would be much appreciated. This is one of those issues that’s hard to Google, considering the number of Linux wifi issues posted to the internet.

How did you measure the 50% packet drop? That can help identify the source.
I had a similar issue once and noticed that one antenna connection had dropped from my WiFi card. And then it was my AP (router board) that gave me the hint that one Antenna never had packets coming in.

Just pinging google and checking the stats after cancelling the command.

I´d rather you take a packet capture with tcpdump or wireshark (depending on the OS).
That would help more.

I can do that when I get home from work. I’ll also try disconnecting each antenna one at a time to (hopefully) rule out an issue there.

Actually, just verify the antennas are both connected correctly. My laptop had one loose!

Are you running Debian stable? It might be worth switching over to testing (current code name Trixie) https://wiki.debian.org/DebianTesting, they have newer packages in there, which in this case means newer kernels which are more likely to have the newer drivers/etc, since the RZ616 and AX210 are pretty new, with the 6.1 LTS kernel in Debian 12 being released in Dec 2022.

Or you could potentially use bookworm-backports (https://backports.debian.org/) to get the current 6.5 LTS kernel from testing running in your stable.

Tried this, no change in behavior.

The antennas are connected. I didn’t bother testing them separately. If that was the issue I would think it would be all or nothing.

Last night I went to take a packet capture. After installing Wireshark, it worked as expected for about 3 hours, so no trouble to shoot with Wireshark. Eventually it started acting up again, so I did take a packet capture with showing issues, though 1) I’m not sure the best way to share it and 2) I don’t know how great an idea it is to share a packet capture with the internet considering there are other devices authenticating with things on my network. From looking at it I don’t know how helpful it would be anyway, though I am admittedly not an expert. Most of the pings that don’t get replies just disappear into the ether without anything responding saying “you can’t get there through here” or anything. I say most because there are a couple of “destination unreachable” messages returned for maybe 2% of the failed pings. Some of these are from the AP, but strangely some of them are from my Hue controller. No idea why it thinks it should be involved in this.

I’m going to make a general reply to the thread in a second with some additional troubleshooting I did last night/this morning.

After encountering the same issue with Debian testing on kernel 6.5 on both the AX210 and the RZ616, I tried both Manjaro and Fedora live images with both wireless cards as well. These showed the issue immediately in all cases.

One thing I hadn’t noticed before is that Bluetooth seems to not work (at least on Debian testing) when this issue arises. I hadn’t checked for that previously and am not about to redo all the testing under different Linuxes just for that, but if that sparks an idea in someone I’m all ears.

Much as it pains me to do so, I’m going to install Windows as a sanity check and will report back. If that doesn’t work I’m going to suspect a hardware issue of some kind and open a ticket with support.

Windows has the same problem, going to open a support case.

Try updating the RZ616 WLAN firmware in Linux to the latest upstream. It helped a lot for me.