Wifi/Networking Fail

I have a new Framework 13, (64GB ram 1TB disk) on which I have installed Xubuntu 22.04. I’m using WIFI.

Every 10-30 seconds, SSH freezes, and SCP transfers are stalled. When I look at the network traffic monitor, I see that, the network traffic just stops for 10-30 seconds, then restarts. This is unusable. What could be causing this problem, and how to fix? Thanks in advance.

Install the hwe kernels. The drivers are better.

Thanks for that tip I will give it a try.

Also I found that reconfiguring the ‘wifi power management’ settings helped:

sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf

Add these lines:

wifi.powersave = 2

Restart network manager

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
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