Will we ever get improved/adjustable fan behavior?

The cooling in this laptop simply cannot handle the 1280p. Even under modest loads my PC throttles hard, with the CPU Package hitting as high as 113C. When I first bought the laptop, I actually had the cooler RMAd after showing framework my HWInfo reports. Turns out my cooler wasn’t defective, it just can’t keep up with the load of a 1280P actually doing its job. I believe I could improve the situation by modifying fan behavior, but there’s no way to do that with the current BIOS.

Worth mentioning that it idles at a totally acceptable temp, and even now running at 41C with a small 1080 display attached and several tabs open in firefox. But an i3 or i5 could do that too, the problem is when I actually use the extra sku numbers on the i7 - Photoshop, anything even moderately graphic intensive, gaming with an eGPU - the cooler just whirs away and still I get throttled down to the capabilities of an i5 or worse.

I know laptops run hot, especially with modern silicon, but the fact the package is even able to hit 113C is concerning. Am I missing something here?

Running a Framework 13 Intel 1280p, Windows 11 Pro

You can try repasting it with something like PTM7950 which will help to bring the temps down. DHowett has also made an application that allows you to manually specify fan speeds.


When your RMAd the cooler, did you check the thermal paste/pads on CPU to the heatsinks? I bet any new repasting may help; the PTM7950 mentioned above seems more useful as it should last much longer than thermal paste while still performing good heat transfer.

There’s a thread regarding the PTM7950 use here: [Honeywell PTM7950 Phase Change Thermal Pads/Sheets] Application, Tips, and Results

Good to know, thanks.

Pads are all the rage these days, huh?

Yes, I did. I have a PC build project coming up, I’ll add the laptop to the mix and check/reapply everything then.

Not all pads but PTM7950 specifically. It has performance characteristics that are similar to liquid metal without the risk of shorting something should it leak. Also, it has a long lifespan so it’s unlikely you’ll need to reapply it.


you can already completely change the fan behavior and power with ectool

Do you know how to do this? I compiled DHowett’s ectool for my system and was able to set a constant value for fan duty, but I wasn’t able to actually change the fan behavior (e.g. fan curves). Perhaps the software is capable of it, but if so, I don’t think it’s documented. One could theoretically throw together a script to do it (ectool is a CLI tool), but I haven’t seen one. Any info is appreciated.

Yup, that’s pretty much it, ectool can set a fan speed, or return it to default firmware control.

You could theoretically write a script, to loop every second, check the temperature, and set the fan speed … it could smooth changes by considering the last few seconds of history …

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The solution is to go back to thicker laptops. Simple as that. You can’t beat physics.

You want faster and faster silicon you need more laptop to soak up and blow out that heat.

I’m all for it personally. I am not a marmoset. :grinning: :wink: