I would be fine with the modern win 11 key, although I would hope to have Tux logo or “super”
Will QMK available on the Framework-13 ??
No. The Framework-13 keyboards do not have QMK. I don’t know of another normal laptop that has it.
The Framework-16 keyboards are differently designed, being changeable, rearrangeable while the laptop is on. A happy side effect of this was that a separate keyboard controller was needed. And QMK is then a natural fit for firmware, considering Framework’s way of embracing open-source.
I remember hearing that before now. I wonder if you select the Linux keyboard option with a pre-built if they don’t include Windows. The pre-buid configuration doesn’t give you the option to not have it. In the DIY config you can also opt-in to have Windows as well as a Linux keyboard. I wonder if Framework is breaking the terms with sales for those or if Microsoft only cares if the default option has a Windows key.
Different license for Windows in the pre-built vs the DIY.
The DIY edition essentially comes with a separately purchased “full” Windows, that Windows license isn’t directly bound to the laptop and thus Framework can have any keyboard they want. The prebuild ones use a cheaper OEM Windows license, where Microsoft can dictate certain things.
I assume Framework currently doesn’t have the manufacturing capacity and inventory to handle multiple variants for each normal language layout (one with Windows key, one without), so they just created that one Linux keyboard as a test for market research.
I wonder, if its a huge deal to add spare keycaps with different Logos on it? You like Windows Logo? Will be the standard keycap applied from factory. You like Tux? It’s in a small bag, as well as a “Super”, a “Framework Cog” and a “blank” for your own sticker.
Edit: Or add an option for a bag with spares with different Logos for 5USD/€.
The keycaps are not designed to be replaced and can break when trying to do so.
Oh, that’s a bummer for a laptop designed to be repairable
Jokes aside, there are several guides and how to’s, this should be doable, you would need to do this just once anyways.
I imagine at scale they’ll eventually have more keyboard options. The advantage of modular is that they can produce some fun alternatives, and it will be a quick swap.
Or even someone else can produce a better non-windows keyboard. Here’s to hoping.
Instead of replacing the entire keyboard, can the key cap for Start/Super key just be replaced? I know it can’t on the FW13, but the FW16 is a entirely new design.