Woofers/Tweeters audio expansions

Have anyone thought on audio expansions cards? Like some woofers or tweeters? Maybe together with input modules to make an “home theater” experience

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Perhaps draw us a diagram of how you think this would look? I am intrigued… :smirk:

I don’t have the laptop, but I’m n enthusiast of the concept, this is just an idea.
at first I though of a tiny speaker(woofer/tweeter, one of each or both in the same slot) that could fit inside the expansion bay case, maybe tilted so the sound wont be blocked by the table. number 1 and 2 are sliders options, how they would fit in their places, and the grid, that could be plastic or metal

then I though a little more, if you could find a nice tiny speaker you could simply change the speakers on the motherboard…

So, in number 3, a bigger speaker comes out of the expansion dock, parallel to the side of the laptop. In red, the position of the speaker.

number 4, how it fit on the expansion bay.

number 5, how it looks on the side of the laptop. I first though on placing it on the back od the laptop, but there are air vents, so thats a no no, so it could be placed on the front, or maybe on the middle( but it’ll block one expansion bay, maybe a dual dock with a bigger speaker or more speakers. In green the position of the grid

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Also, the front of the laptop has a bottm bezel for the inside speakers, so maybe an adjust to not block that