Your Experience with Battery

What is your experience with Battery Life on Framework 16.

I am personally getting no more than 1,5hrs out of my FW16 (with the GPU) and I am not too pleased with that.

Although I also have to say my fans are virtually always spinning so there seems to be an issue with the Linux Distro I am using that I have to troubleshoot.

And baloo file extractor is virtually always using a full core…but that is besides the point.

What is your experience with it? How long can it realistically run on Linux?

Edit: Template:

Idle Power draw: (use powertop)
usual Battery Life:
GPU yes/no:
Baloo* enabled:

Search for “file search” in kde

powertop can tell you how much battery you are draining.

Currently at 46 W idle.
Oof. This is 100% a OS issue.

It very heavily depends on what I’m doing. If I’m gaming something heavy with the GPU going full tilt, about an hour.
But just regular browsing, file and document editing, I’ve managed 6 - 8h.

Baloo using a core all the time is definitely not good for prolonged use on battery life. Which is why I always turn off baloo. :grin:

Mine runs at 9W idle on Arch/KDE.

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with or without the gpu?

With the GPU in, but nothing using it.

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Using KDE Neon here, and when on Battery I go to around 9W power drain.
I don’t play games when on battery as the power usage goes really up very fast. I suspect I would get 1 to 2 hours of power.
When I do Video editing on battery, I get around 4h30. (With GPU when required).

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I’m on power hungry Windows, and I only get 2 to 4 hours depending on workload. I haven’t done anything to optimize this yet. This laptop is a high performance desktop replacement class, so the battery life isn’t going to be very good. Something like a MacBook Pro has great battery life, but it is optimized in hardware and software to an extreme. A thin and light will get better battery performance as well, but it won’t have anywhere near the same capability. Laptops in this class usually get only 3 to 6 hours at best, and even less in very heavy workloads.

I get 8-16hrs of battery life on average, I’m quite happy. Average watt usage is around 6.5 - 9W.

Same, I disabled this process so it doesn’t run anymore and never noticed a downside.

Baloo is running at installation to index everything. Just make sure to not look inside the files (content) and it will finish much faster. Once done you will barely notice it.

In my experience it was never not running on a year old install of Arch