Dual USB-C Expansion Card

Hello folks,
Sorry, I have been absent for a while due to various reasons, one of them is having other hobbies too :blush:. This project takes way more effort than I initially thought and I might not have the time, knowledge and resources to make this expansion card an actual product :frowning:. Thanks for all your support and interest in this project it has been quite fun so far and I’ve learned a lot designing this :blush:.

I promised to make the design files public tho, so everyone interested can have a look (and most likely improve it), so the time invested may have some benefit for the community and probably someone can make a product or small production run out of it. Before shelling out 1000s of units I’d recommend building another prototype and run some compliance testing, this is not a production ready design.

The design files are uploaded here: glx-seven/dual-c_expansioncard: This is a prototype of a dual USB-C expansioncard for the Framework-Laptop (github.com)

I might come back to this project and develop it further but I don’t have concrete plans or a timeline. In the meantime maybe someone else has interest in having a look or taking it further :blush:.