3 months review Update:
I am over the initial WAHOU I have a new rigg to play with
3 months I am into real hard work with this FW 12 gen machine under Ubuntu mate 22.04
First I am very happy with my purchase .
Linux on this machine is clearely not for Linux beginners. It has stabilized a lot… But It required fixes on the software side :
For WIFI, a computer with no wifi is useless[SOLVED]
AX210 Wifi Ubuntu 21.04 dropped connection issues - #40 by Iann_C -
Still no solution for charger problems, I suppose it could be solved with BIOS update and thunderbolt certification (kernel 6.0.9 doesn t improve anything) : Charger connect and disconnect in a 2second Loop after wake up from sleep | GaN adaptative mini power - #5 by Iann_C
The camera when using OBS is slow as hell and lags 2 seconds behind and is of bad quality, which makes it completely not usable. Its like beeing in 1990 with your very first webcam in a dark room
Camera configuration in OBS (Ubuntu) - #10 by Iann_C -
[SOLVED] : Anoying "tic" fan noise even at low fan speed - #6 by Iann_C
the screen is way to mirror like, it is more than a Mac! (15€ mate screen to apply) [SOLVED] : Matte screen please! :) - #148 by Iann_C
Freezes have been an issue every two days I would get a 5 to 30 second freez, I could hear and see the person in the video conference , but I couldn t move mouse or keyboard, since a month I had fewer of them [SOLVEDish] : Hard freezing on Fedora 36 with the new 12th gen system - #179 by Iann_C
For the brightness UP / DOWN to work [SOLVED] : 12th gen not sending XF86MonBrightnessUp / Down - #30 by Iann_C
Last but not least the USB C dongles are for now a prototype…A concept. None of them are currentely working properly
We hope for a future where it would work. But for now lots of bugs comes from there. We are waiting for the working version of it…Even on the second generation. Among other the power drawn from those modules is not normal. In my ghost hunting for power charging problems , I am wondering if USB A might be causing problems…
The net result is that you unplug them all, and plug them when you need them. Which in the end means you are using a laptop with lots of dongles in your bag… if you are at a meeting and forgot your HDMI you are dead x)
In retrospective with my previous Thinkpad E590 I had almost NO issues using it with Ubuntu mate at first install.
Now I do not regret my purchase for now. But important issues like the freezes and the power not working after suspend must me fix to be on pare with other professional devices. Then I could recomand it to Linux beginners.
I am expecting the Thunderbold certification and intel 12th gen BIOS micro code update ,to bring hundreds of tiny little fixe that would launch Framework in the Professional segement like thinkpad and Macbook.
Finally I would only be happy if we have BIOS update for 5 years like other professional grade laptops in this price range. Thinkpad for example releases BIOS updates every year or two times a year for 5 years.