Not to knock on that 3d printed project, but a FrameTab which actually uses the touch-capable bits on the Mainboard eDP connector (and in turn gives the Framework Laptop an option to have a touchscreen) would be nice.
Speaking of, securing more options for the Framework Laptop over time would be nice - matte screens, AMD processors, ARM?, so on; the various things asked for - would be nice.
I wouldn’t be opposed to Framework “Accessories” - ie, things in the typical “desktop” mold reborn as modular components like the Laptop; monitors, speakers, mice, keyboards (honestly, an adapter that turns the Input Cover into a standalone wireless USB keyboard seems so patently obvious I’m surprised it doesn’t exist already). Ways to reuse parts of the Framework Laptop in the mold of these various parts would also help for that - the aforementioned Input Cover USB Keyboard, an external monitor that uses that DP-to-eDP adapter you all found on this thread orderable through Framework rather than Aliexpress, so on.
Ways to alter and “Swiss Army knife” the laptop - people have asked for a “ruggedized” case or asked for slip-cases and other things - things often put out by third-parties for Macbooks and other laptops - why can’t Framework put out first-party ones? One of the most surprising things about the Merch section is there isn’t a Framework Laptop Carry Case, Framework Laptop Carry Bag, and Framework Backpack up there - hell, you have investment from Linus Sebastian, maybe call him and see if you can’t brand his Backpack as your own, split the sales or something. On the topic of merch, Framework branded mousepad?
This is just from “vibing” with the community forums here on what could be done.