11th Gen BIOS 3.07 + Windows 10 and (11 Alpha) driver bundle

@nrp and update on when 3.07 will be available on LVFS? I have not been able to successfully upgrade with the EFI USB installation method, so I’m eagerly awaiting this release. Thanks.

I got my BIOS updated to 3.07, using the USB EFI Shell method and using an arch-linux live install USB to run grub-install and grub-mkconfig - mine was a bit nervewracking because I use a LUKS encrypted drive, but it just took an hour or so making sure I had the filesystem recreated correctly. HECK, I don’t even know if I had to mount the encrypted /home volume but… it all worked out fine.

I did post my commands on the Arch BIOS Update Guide post; and send thanks to @Daniel_Boling for helping to paint a perfect picture of what needed to be rebuilt. I’m glad I finally played w/ GRUB more…

[If you don’t have the DEDSEC GRUB themes, yer missing out!!!]
DEDSEC Grub2 Link

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It’s been almost a month now on BIOS 3.07 and it’s working great. The battery charge level limit works exactly as expected. And I really really like the new “power on when external power attached” option. It means I can take my closed, powered-off laptop, plug it into my Thunderbolt docking station, and the laptop powers on automatically without me having to fiddle around with opening and closing the lid to hit the power button.


Loving the new battery-charge limits! I no longer feel “scared” when leaving my system charging overnight, whereas before I was trying to “limit” it’s charging manually as to preserve the battery. Yes, I know I could just buy a new one in the year or two that I would start having issues, but I wanted to preserve it as long as possible and figured this feature was coming along.

Next thing I’m wondering about - I would like to request a “Wake on USB” feature like destops (and most of my previous laptops) have, as opposed to having to press the power-button to power on. There’s already a wake on AC adapter, which I was a little confused on the use-case. I know there is a better place to recommend this feature, I just have to find that thread again…

Does the 3.07 BIOS reset any settings that I might have forgot to change back?

I’m noticing some weird screen tearing(?)/glitching when I hit my mouse on the left side of the screen. The window kinda bounces to the right an inch, in a weird glitchy way… AND, firefox or discord will just shutdown at times! Weird…

I’m liking the battery setting - my Frame is sitting at 60% always, as I stay on A/C. Any thoughts about these two new issues after upgrading BIOS to 3.07? Arch Linux, GNOME, framework on 3.07…

Wake on AC is wonderful when you regularly use a laptop on a Thunderbolt dock in a desk setup where it’s not necessary to have the laptop screen (saves having to faff around opening it just to turn it on and close it again).

On the flip side, it’s ruddy annoying when you just want to plug it in to charge!

Same as ‘wake on lid open’ - fantastic when you want to start using the machine, ruddy annoying when you can’t remember if you put it into hibernation/shutdown and just want to check!

What’s even more annoying though is when your IT admin turns both on and then locks the BIOS so you can’t turn them off :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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What about those docking stations with a power button? Are there any that work with the laptop or does the laptop firmware have to be supported?

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+1. The blinking LED is distracting in low-light conditions. I don’t care much what color it ends up being, but please make it constant.


Very good question…once I get my laptop I’ll see if my wife’s Dell docking station’s power button works with it. My dock doesn’t have a power button (and sits hung under the cable tray of my desk anyway so it’d be pointless!)


Have done BIOS upgrades before, but nothing as manual as yours. So, the USB stick, should it be FAT32 and bootable?


@anotheruser @teknoguy1212

Looks like this has been fixed: https://github.com/FrameworkComputer/EmbeddedController/commit/d8fa4cc0f83d49d3c912cc8a5bfed2823bf662a9

Downloaded and installed BIOS 3.07 as soon as I saw it. Been using it for about 4 weeks now (on Windows 10). Battery charge limit works as expected. No issues. Thanks!

Oh snap – I wasn’t aware that there’s a public repository! Thanks for sharing!

It was just published :slight_smile:


I wanted to know if version 3.07 will be stable for the arrival of computers in batch8 of February?
To know if I install Win10 or Win11 at the reception.

I believe framework have declared BIOS 3.07 stable on Windows. I am expecting Batch 8 machines to come with 3.07 preinstalled, I think the only reason they wouldn’t is if their declaring it out of beta wasn’t in time for the production run :thinking:

Shouldn’t be crazy difficult to update before using the machine meaningfully either way, I hope!

Good question. Having enjoyed BIOS upgrades as part of a windows update on more manstream computers, such as Dell and HP, this manual system is less than ideal. My Batch 2 laptop has 3.0 bios, so upgrading is something important to me, but am not willing to do so until such time as Framework makes it easy peasey.

Used the EFI shell update mechanism and it “Just Worked”. Downloaded it, unzipped it, copied all files to a VFAT-formatted flash drive, and booted to it after plugging in the power. The process is fairly automatic and was smooth.

I should note that I had 3.06 earlier (mine’s a batch 5), so I’d ask around to see if skipping BIOS versions could be an issue. The other thing is that the BIOS update wipes the variables that control the boot process (for example, if GRUB (which is used to boot Linux) has been installed and registered with the UEFI system, that will be cleared on upgrade). There is a workaround for that posted somewhere on here (basically, run sudo grub-install --removable and that registers a ‘failsafe’ option that will boot properly, after which you can run sudo grub-install to re-register the normal boot option). I don’t know what the deal is with Windows, though (I suspect they automatically install the ‘failsafe’ boot option so it shouldn’t be an issue).

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Is there a way to sign up automatic notification for new BIOS releases, rather than that I have to constantly check this forum? Also I have a question regarding the Windows drivers bundle. After installing the bundle, I no longer see the Power Management option to specifiy a time for the laptop to hibernate. And the only way I can trigger hibernation is either I close the laptop screen or via command prompt. This happened both the Windows 10 and 11 drivers. Can someone update me as to why that is the case and what’s the workaround for that?


I know how to turn on Hibernate. As I mentioned in my post, I can hibernate the machine when I close my screen, or run it directly from command prompt. However, my issue is the fact that I cannot specify a time for the laptop to hibernate through power settings under control panel.

Here is what I mean:

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