Binarly, a firmware security analysis firm, discovered several issues in Insyde BIOS that impact the Framework Laptop (12th Gen Intel Core) with BIOS releases 3.05 and earlier. Unfortunately, patches from our upstream BIOS vendor were not made available until a few days ago. We are working to update and release a new BIOS with fixes for the disclosed issues as soon as we can. We will update this post when the updates are available. As well as the 12th Gen BIOS Knowledge base article. Framework Laptop BIOS and Driver Releases (12th Gen Intel® Core™)
I’m guessing here’s what happened: The Factory-Installed BIOS (3.04) is the latest version
Then Framework internally developed 3.05, and also tested internally…sent to Binarly for validation / scanning.
…and so 3.05 does exist…but not public beta.
And now, waiting for Insyde to address the vulnerabilities…for Binarly to validate another round.
It should be safe to use daily, I’ve been on beta since it came out. Have not faced any issues with it
this beta bios update can’t be rolled back to the previous version, if you do install it, keep that in mind, it’s a one way ticket.