3DMark, because everyone loves internet hero numbers

Hey gang, I figured it would be fun to run 3DMark on my i7 Framework with and without an eGPU connected. Basically, plenty of CPU for mid tier games when connected to an egpu.


With the eGPU

Just the CPU

with the integrated graphics


whats your ram configuration like

I’m running a pair of 8GB DDR3200

What eGPU are you running? I’m looking into them but don’t really know what to be looking for other than Thunderbolt 3 and USB-C.

That is amazing :smiley: I can imagine emulators up to CEMU would work well right?

Does anyone have the benchmark for the i5?

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@xBrendan It’s a powercolor from microcenter and is TB3 I believe. The GPU I have installed is a really old 980TI

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