Support for Intel Arc GPU

with new 16 inch model that came. I hope Framework can support Intel Arc as well. What do you think?

Well, I use the 13in with Intel Arc right now. Unless you were referring to the expansion bay GPU idea.

Which one is that , I dont see anything on there site that shows an Arc GPU

@Curtis_Golen You wouldn’t see anything on their end as it isn’t integrated with the laptop, I purchased it separately and connect the laptop to it. The 13 inch model is the model they sell currently that you can purchase today for delivery in their standard delivery window.

Since most of the article focused on nvidia/AMD, I hope they also pay attention to Arc as well. The Framework Laptop 16 promises the ‘holy grail’ of upgradable graphics - The Verge

Which Arc are you using If I might ask?

I am using the Intel A770 16GB LE

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Cool thanks! I’m assuming the most recent patch must have addressed the ReBar issue then.

I’m sorry, I must have missed this since I have no idea what you’re talking about? As far as I know, ReBAR still isn’t enabled on any FW model

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OK well as long as it works!

For the most part it does, it works better on Windows than Linux although the inverse used to be true. Hot unplug didn’t work on Linux although I haven’t tested that recently. It wasn’t detected in Windows at all for me until Jan of this year. I’ll eventually get my eGPU setup rolling again but I kinda got sidetracked by a bunch of stuff

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I’m just about to dip my toes into the whole eGPU thing and was under the impression that none of the Arc range would work with FW so this is good news for me. Glad you got it working and hope all your sidetracking is good.

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Hey do you remember what kind of framerates you were getting? Sorry to be a pest.

I don’t recall at all actually lol. You aren’t a pest though! I’ll tell you what, I’ll plug in my egpu this weekend and test it out for you since recent kernels might have improved things. Any particular games you want me to try? I may not own all of them so make it a long list

How about any on this list?

in particular Cyberpunk 2077
Also Sons of the Forest, Death Stranding or just whatever you have that taxes a gpu to any degree. Thanks in advance, I really appreciate it.

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Alas, I own like 2-3 of those games but I’ll throw in Metro Exodus in there as well. I’ll try to get some benchmarks going within the next few days or so.

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Awesome! Thank you!!

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