[SOLVED] A request for dark mode

@Brent_bak @FrameworkBee (or whoever enabled this), THANK YOU!!! Just a minor suggestion: There are lots of elements (e.g. the currently selected category, some of the elements in the editor, etc) that still have black text, which can make it a bit hard to see. It would be wonderful if y’all could take a look to set those colors :heart:

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You can set a keyboard shortcut to quickly toggle Dark Reader on the current website:

I use this routinely for finicky sites e.g. Google Docs

I also leave the dark mode in chrome://flags alone as Dark Reader suffices on its own.

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Unfortunately, we are looking into this now as we have never enabled it and it may just be the forum doing so in an update. But, it’s not ADA compliant at this time which, we are attempting to fix but with certain aspects, it won’t let us. So, we are seeing if we can turn it off for now until we can find a better solution, I do apologize. I can’t wait to use dark mode myself :<


Huh, that’s interesting. I’ve seen dark mode enabled in other Discourse-based forums without any issues like this (e.g. Signal Community or Darktable Forum).

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It’s under Preferences → Interface.
That said, I had twiddled with Discobot and thus I am both Licenced and Advanced User.

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One can use the integrated dark mode in Discourse settings, but it looks a bit unfinished, so I did some tweaking with the Stylus extension (make sure to set it only to this host).

:root {
    --header_background: #222;

.d-header {
    border-color: #333;

.d-header #site-logo {
    filter: invert(100%);

.topic-list .main-link a.title {
    color: inherit !important;

.custom-footer {
    background: var(--secondary-very-high);

.custom-footer .flexbox,
.custom-footer .third-box .social .social-link .d-icon {
    color: var(--secondary-medium);

.btn .d-icon,
.nav-pills > li a.active,
.btn-primary, #create-topic {
    color: #fff;

.badge-wrapper .badge-category .category-name {
    color: #fff;
    mix-blend-mode: difference;
    font-weight: 700;

Also ideas how to make the tag text color more readable on different backgrounds are welcome. :slight_smile:


Perhaps, below page is a clue for admin to enable dark mode in this forum?


I was about to reply to the thread and suggest the same, and I’ve also made a screenshot to illustrate it:


It is a bit broken. Check my answer above for а fix through the Stylus extension.


Yeah this forum’s Color Scheme Dark, Dark + @Bundyo 's Stylus extension setting without Dark Reader extension, gave me a nice experience. Thanks.

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Looks great, though it’d be nice to exist across the board for my phone’s widget browser for the forum as well, plus a white version of the FW logo. Wouldn’t be too hard I’d expect?

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Any update on this?

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Users > preferences > interface

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Ay! It uh, may be almost two years since I started this thread, but I’ll take it! Thanks!

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Thanks! Just wish I can get it OLED dark :sweat_smile:

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I am pretty sure it’s out for like 6 months or so.
I am a light mode user so I dont really care.

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The built-in dark mode looks pretty… yeah

Does anyone have any examples of extension dark modes on chromium? I’ve tried some in the past but they’ve all been pretty jank with weird coloring, especially with the fonts on the Latest screen

Unfortunately, I don’t see the option in the setting. Firefox 113.

I can set dark mode in other Discourse forum without issues.

I’ve had the same experience. I’m using Darkreader for the time being but it seems bizarre for the built in option to be missing.

Same here, same version; I can confirm I no longer see the option in settings. But it was there not too long ago: I used it to enable the dark mode a few months back, and it still works. So funnily enough, even if I wanted to turn it off now, with the setting gone I can’t. :slight_smile:

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