AMD Batch 11 Guild

I went through a similar thought process, but decided that for the games I would generally play, the GPU/APU thing would be good enough. My goal really isn’t gaming with this thing - but I do want to run some Docker containers on it so the memory was important to me.

But that 16 inch model just looks so cool!


No email yet. I couldn’t be more excited. I ordered last week to replace my old acer laptop which I kept for 6 years until it kicked the bucket. Hoping to make this one last even longer

Edit: got my email a few hours after I made this post :slight_smile:


Payment just taken. Hopefully dispatch is within sight?


Got charged an hour ago. My bank is declined this order. Framework asks me to complete order and I finish. Hope there will not have problems anymore.

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Got “Your order has shipped” mail. Can’t wait to receive it.


Likewise, just came through!

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Feels like batch 11 might be the last AMD batch. After that, it might just be “in stock” which would be pretty awesome!

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Nothing for me, never been so sad to have still my money in my bank account :sweat_smile:


Whoa! Good to know some are shipping, still waiting on my email :laughing:

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I just got charged!

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anxiously checking emails…still not charged…but glad for the progress!

combine this with a planned upgrade to fiber internet (only recently available in my rural area) and 2024 is shaping up to be nerdtacular!


I just fiber last month—5gbps symmetrical. That’s one of the reasons I’m upgrading to a Framework now: with the dead Thunderbolt interface in my Thinkpad, I had no way of using it with my personal laptop!

Got charged this afternoon for a DIY 7840U, excited to own and in the future upgrade a more sustainable device. Hopefully ships soon, it’s been well over a decade since I have owned a personal laptop.



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Woke up to my shipping notification this morning…never got the “charging notice” but I guess they got paid…can’t wait to get my hands on it!

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I received the packet and I finished to assemble the laptop. Everything works fine. That’s fantasic.


Nice work! What OS did you go with?

Just got my shipping notice.

These should come with the most recent BIOS and firmware updates, right, so I don’t immediately need to update those?

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We are indeed the last preorder batch. Congrats to all on this exclusive honor! :wink: