AMD Batch 2 Guild

No, all good. My original card was charged some fee as payment was originated in different currency. This time doesn’t appear to have done so… but dodgy payment system when card that has been deleted from account is charged instead of new card in account…


@Evelyn One other nice thing that I probably should’ve mentioned about NixOS is that it is really really easy to run patched software (as long as the patches apply cleanly). You basically just add an override to nixpkgs.overlays and that’s it—e.g. for a while my config had this to fix light-mode colors in GNOME Console:

nixpkgs.overlays = [ (final: prev: {
  gnome-console = prev.gnome-console.overrideAttrs (old: {
    patches = old.patches ++ [ (final.fetchpatch {
      url = "";
      sha256 = "0w47hxhgyi88yd16pw28rylj58l0xw7y3671pmgs41szxvgs9g17";
    }) ];
}) ];

That’s all it takes, and updates work and everything. (The patch has become stale, though, unfortunately.) Of course there’s still some need to know what you’re doing, but, like always, it’s possible to get away with surprisingly little as long as you’re okay with feeling very dumb once in a while.

So if a patched kernel is required, and provided Framework can tell us which patches specifically are necessary, it shouldn’t be that hard to make it work.


:heart_eyes_cat: Well call me even more in love with the idea of running nix holy crap yes <3

My infra guy just quit and having to learn k8s on the fly so lets go with… Im well versed in feeling dumb haha

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Seperate reply since its a general question to everyone here though: I thought they had mentioned in batch1 that our batch wouldnt ship before november cause they were waiting for the BIOS to drop publically first? Did I miss a new update walking that back or just totally misunderstood the original message?

VERY hyped to be getting it likely sooner than I had thought but just surprised by the development haha

Edit: Nevermind me, I had totally misread/misrememebred the fourth update and had thought they mentioned november ship outs; this makes WAY more sense now

Patching the kernel in NixOS has its own whole configuration declaration boot.kernelPatches, which should make even easier since you don’t have to lock it to a specific package like you do with overlays.

I tried digging for a patchset but I think we’re waiting on a new firmware first, if I understood correctly.


As I have not yet received any payment charging or shipping notifications, I’ve reached out to Framework support whether my payment method GiroPay can even be used for the remaining payments of a preorder.

order date: 2023-03-26

Better safe than sorry.

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For all the NixOS folks (I’m using that, btw :innocent: ) I’d like to point you to the pre-made hardware configurations in

The ones for AMD are still missing, but hopefully we’ll just put together a reliable patchset there that we can then easily use.


I feel like I was being pretty patient (despite being pretty excited to finally give up on my ARM-based Surface Pro X) but the news of batch 3 getting their notice has me impatiently checking constantly to see if I’ve been charged for my batch 2 order. :joy:

I’m worried mine is going to try and charge to a payment method I tried removing from my account well over a week ago. It still shows when I view my order but not in my saved payment methods.

That’s exactly what happened to me… might be worth contacting support to be safe

Same thing here (batch 3). I did contact support but since have been told here on the forums that if a payment method fails, they simply send you a link so you can pay with another method. So no biggie apparently.

I didn’t receive a response from support yet, but it’s only been a few hours. I haven’t heard of anyone who had significant delays as a result.

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Apparently there is currently an issue, where you see only the initially set payment method on your order and/or the email. It should still charge the current one, but if it doesn’t, as others have said, it should give you a link to just manually pay via. So no need to worry too much! :slight_smile:

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Once you Batch2 crew have some of your laptops in your hands, could you check what BIOS version you got? Would be interesting if batch 2 ships with 3.0.2 or 3.0.3 (or possibly a mix because of production overlap).

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due Thursday :grin:

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@telan & @Yammikins
Did you change your payment method just on your account or in the order too? My guess, you forget to change it on your order.

bruh I’m in batch 2 and haven’t even been charged, what is going on.

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Framework has said that batches aren’t the only factor when it comes to the shipping order. No order will ship until all parts of the order are ready. They won’t send orders in multiple shipments. So the specific configuration may effect when something ships. For instance, if all the stuff for certain orders in a batch are ready, they may start shipping, even if some orders from an earlier batch aren’t able to ship yet because they are waiting on something. In other words, they won’t arbitrarily hold up a later batch, just because all orders of a previous batch haven’t shipped yet.

Ryzen 7 Batch 2 out for delivery today! It was scheduled to be delivered next week, looking forward to setup everything today!

Early Batch 2, Ryzen 7 here (shipped yesterday). I just got an email from Framework regarding this (titled “Installing an Operating System on your new Framework Laptop DIY Edition”):

The version 3.02 BIOS that ships on your laptop has issues with certain kernel versions. This is resolved in 3.03, which will be available as a Beta release soon. In the meantime to get started, you can follow our guides to get set up with distros that work on both 3.02 and 3.03:

I did not get the laptop to verify this, yet, though, so take this info with a grain of salt. Will report back once I have the laptop here.


ohhhhh makes sense. Didn’t think of that. Thanks!