AMD Batch 5 Guild

It might arrive on Saturday though right? At least for the german people that live somewhat close to cologne.

I live within 25km radius of CGN airport but my estimated arrival date says next Tuesday…
Hopefully it arrives on Saturday, but considering we’re dealing with FedEx, I am not expecting much.

I think it depends on the service being used at Fedex. My tracking screen shows “Deliver Weekday” under “Special Handling Section”

Update for European Batch 5 Leute:
The FedEx cargo aircraft FDX5030 has safely landed at Cologne-Bonn Airport and currently taxiing to the gate!


Yes! I was stalking this flight as well since last night. Happy to see it arrived less then 100km away :rofl:

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After 4 days of desperately observing the crazy wonky tracking of my fw package, with missing scans at several locations (between China and France, nothing appeared) and scans that are not in the right order, it finally arrived safely at my home today :face_holding_back_tears:
Occasionally, I had already given up hope - what a ride of feelings :wink:

Of what I understand from the track&trace, if that FedEx won’t deliver (for this service) in the weekend.

Assume a day of customs stuff, and then another for sorting, Tuesday doesn’t sound too weird.

I still hope we’ll get it a day earlier. Unfortunately we can’t pick up the laptop from the airport haha

Don’t know about fedex but i know you can pick up packages from DHL at the airports directly as soon they have cleared customs, you just need to contact their warehouse and arrange a visit and the necessary paperwork.

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Holdup, why is the package in Charles de Gaulle Airport now???

It literally went from 25km away to 400km away. FedEx shipping works in truly mysterious ways…

Haha! Yeah… I had the same WTF moment after watching the FedEx track and trace.

From 90km to 350km away

Received, upgraded and now typing on the laptop!
The process itself was fairly straightforward, but honestly my SSD not showing up as a bootable device gave me a heart attack for a second. Luckily you have the “boot from file” option with which you can navigate yourself to the necessary efi file.

Man the difference is stark in contrast.

Received it today, assembled, works :slight_smile:

I am expecting my package in Berlin. Earlier today the tracker said that it was in Cologne, and now it appears to be in Paris… is it normal?

I am also curious. I tracked the flight I thought it was on, which went to Cologne.
But never checked the status after arriving.
And now it seems to be in France. So I thought I was mistaken on the airplane.
But you confirming that it went via cologne, makes me wonder :laughing:

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Yes, that was what I was talking about. I would guess they have a “hub” in France where FedEx decided to get customs through in batch, and they will transport them by truck to the rest of the EU.

Since they wasted ~375km of travel for that (at least for me—i literally live in Cologne), I wonder if that was truly efficient, let alone environment-friendly.

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I myself have no evidence that the laptop ever went to Cologne.
My tracker doesn’t say so. And I could just have made a mistake guessing the flight it was on.
For all I know, maybe it left 3 hours later from TW, on a different flight.

Well, mine says that it has arrived at the FedEx hub in Cologne about 20 minutes after its touchdown at CGN. It is also entirely possible that your laptop takes a different route, though.

Just as a reference, if you don’t mind, where are you ordering your laptop from?

Cologne would make more sense anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
My tracking does not list cologne at all. Straight from leaving TW at 8:51 via PH and CN to FR.

Mine arrived today (in the US) - and my order of RAM has not arrived yet because the package either got lost or was never sent, so I still need to wait some time until I can assemble/use my FW. Shouldn’t have waited that long with ordering the RAM …

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Update: Received mine on today!

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