AMD Batch 5 Guild

It’s mostly going to be my daily driver, not for professional use.
Probably going to run Win11 for a while to run some tests on performance and trying some light gaming. Honestly I just really wanted a new, lighter and slightly smaller laptop with exactly this CPU (7840U).

I currently run a 4-year-old 14 inch ThinkPad which struggles with performance, heat and battery life. Probably gonna turn this one into a Linux machine and use it for random hobby projects.

I’m pretty stoked about getting the FW soon, ngl.
Already got the RAM, SSD and check this forum multiple times a day, lol.

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Daily driver as well, it’s why I’m getting just the Ryzen 5. I’m replacing an old Surface Pro 6 whose battery decided to lose 70% of capacity. Loved the portability of the machine, but I can’t replace/repair anything and I’m actually excited to have to fix my framework in 3-5 years.

I do plan on playing some Civ and EU4 on it.

I’ve been sitting on the crucial 32gb 5600 kit since I put my order in. Ram prices had bottomed out and micron has never done me wrong.

16GBs (2 x 8) of RAM here.
Not going to be doing anything too crazy with it, so I won’t need anything really more than that.
Went with the Framework RAM as it was only a few dollars extra than slightly lower spec ram here, and it’s guaranteed to be compatible.
I’ll upgrade if I need to, but don’t see that needing to be done for a couple of years. (Been getting by fine with 8GBs for a number of years)

Dual booting with Kubuntu and Windows 11.

Full stack web development, some lighter (hobbyist) C++ dev in Kubuntu.
And Windows 11 just to play some low intensive games.

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Based on the emails Batch 3 and 4 Guilds have received, it looks like it only took about a week for Framework to start shipping new shipments. If they stay on the current trajectory, I believe (hopefully) they’ll start shipping our batch 5 by next week.

Edit: Also, if everyone is thinking about purchasing Crucial 32GB of RAM from Amazon right now, it looks like they won’t be shipping till early November. Mine kit is set to arrive by November 7th. :T

If you guys need them before, Adorama and B&H are also selling them at the same price with free shipping.


Thanks a lot for these links! I was wondering what ram to get, and after reading the first part of your post I was in a bit of a panic to pick some up quick. I’m ordering the 2x16gb pack. I wish I could snag a 1x32gb so I wouldn’t have to toss one of the 16gb sticks when I inevitably upgrade later, but considering I’m only going to be using my machine for web dev, browsing, photo management, and maybe some graphic design work (using a Windows VM in Ubuntu), I think 32gb will last me a good long time.

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Daily driver here as well.
Web, mail, some light scripting/programming.
It’s why I went for the 7640; plenty for my usecase.
And it’s about 390euro’s cheaper which I can spend a few years from now on an upgrade.

Already bought an SK hynix Gold P31 2TB, mainly because it’s incredibly power efficient and fast enough.
And planning on installing 2x16gb RAM.

I’m in batch 5 as well and very excited that we’re so close to having it shipped. I ordered mine without RAM and hard drive, so I need to look into that and order something soon, appreciate all the suggestions that have been posted here already.

I just got my email that they are preparing batch 5!!
Its go time!!!


Got it too…

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Email received!


Me too - FW production is getting faster and faster!

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I just got my e-mail for Batch 5!!! Woohooooo!!! I can’t wait!

Just got the email too!!

Me too! UK 7840 here!

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Got it too! Another UK customer here. Can’t wait to get my hands on this cute laptop, my 7yo ThinkPad is falling apart (but still works). Looks like it will arrive just in time for my birthday in a few weeks’ time!

To be fair… It’s probably an automated message to all Batch 5 people.
But feels damn nice to finally getting the notification.

Germany / 7840U / Ordered August 3rd


It is, the email itself says so:

Step 2: Preparing the batch
Sent to everyone in the batch. Payment will be collected prior to shipment within the communicated shipping window.

But yes, it does feel nice to finally know it’s coming :slight_smile:


Same here .-)

Should have read the E-Mail properly, haha.