AMD Batch 5 Guild

I’ve got my email as well!

I just placed an order for Crucial 32GB Kit, and my Samsung 980 Pro SSD has been waiting forever in my drawer. Can’t wait to get my hands on it!

does anyone know if they are prioritizing full builds over board only orders or not?

I just got curious, so I leave this poll here…
Maybe we can confirm the hypothesis that people ordering in the same region get charged together? :wink:

In which region are you ordering your Framework?
  • United States
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • France
  • Ireland
  • Netherlands
  • Austria
  • Austrailia
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Belgium
  • Taiwan

0 voters

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I woke up to my email this morning and I’m so excited!!!


Batch 4 & 5 emails so close together. Wow! Keep it rolling FW. I think they would like to have all current Q4 batches sent before holidays. I mean that would be nice.

just got home to the email.
I AM SO EXCITED!!! :grin: :tada: :tada: :tada:


People in the Batch 4 thread have received many devices already. That means they were shipped some time ago.
Fingers crossed ours will ship this week!


I doubt it, since there seems to be just a couple of days between shipping and delivery.
I’m guessing next week they’re gonna start charging with first deliveries possible by the end of next week.
I wouldn’t mind being wrong though.


Has anybody been charged yet?

I don’t think so - the hype would be higher :slight_smile:

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I guess that’s true. Most of the users have been good about keeping everyone updated every step of the way. Hopefully, between 1 - 3 weeks from now we’ll start receiving emails from Framework again.

Hi, I’m from batch 4, most people who have been charged and received their framework were from the US, Australia and Germany. The French and British folks are still waiting to be charged, let alone receive our frameworks.
For information, I received the first email on September 27th, and I live in France. Very excited for you guys too!!!


You mean the 27th of October, rigth? :thinking:

Batch 6 just got their preparation E-Mails.

Gonna be go time for us soon.

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That is nice to hear! I’m ordering in Germany, and that news gives me high hopes.

Besides, my laptop is on life support for too long—I really need that sweet R7 7840U processing power.

Does anyone know how long it took to ship batch 4 from the prep email they got?

This is just one data point, but: Got preparing batch email 10/27, shipped yesterday 11/07, received today, 11/08.

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I have no idea how you chain the replies, so I’m assuming based on this one data point that I should be expecting my laptop next week :skull:

Surprised no batch 5ers have received a payment confirmation yet. Hope it is soon!


Hope so too.
My F5 key is now so worn out that I need a new laptop.

Fortunately on my next laptop, I can simply replace the keyboard.