AMD Batch 7 Guild

payment complete!

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Just got my “payment complete” mail in Spain.


Payment taken here in UK too.

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Interesting, so they do work on sundays in Taiwan or is it just an automatic system that batches x laptops per day through? Also had a payment complete today

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Credit card charged today.

Ordered from Spain on October 5th.

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Payment taken in the UK. Ordered on 5th October.

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Prebuilt Performance model. Here’s my Batch 7 timeline:

  • Nov 15 - We’re preparing your batch
  • Nov 23 - Your order is shipping soon, payment complete
  • Nov 24 - Your order has shipped
    FedEx shipping delivery estimate in DFW, Texas area is Monday Nov 27 because it was shipped requiring a weekday delivery: “Deliver Weekday, Indirect Signature Required.” Signed for it from the FedEx tracking page.

It made it out of Taiwan in one day. Pretty cool.

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Looks like ours were hanging out for a bit lol

Yay! Shipping confirmation and tracking number received this morning - UK.

Just received my FW. Germany here.

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My Batch 7 device is on the delivery truck, yay! Arizona, US here.


Now I’m getting nervous that mine hasn’t changed since “clearance delay - import” in Anchorage on November 23rd. Maybe I should call FedEx.

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Mine is supposed to arrive in about 2-9hrs haha, before 5pm today at least

I just got off the phone with Fedex; as far as they can tell, it is delayed in Anchorage because it is missing a commercial invoice. But the puzzling part is that all packages from the same source get cleared for import in bulk, so if other people in the US are receiving their packages today, I wonder if mine did indeed get cleared, and that was just never recorded in the tracking system. :man_shrugging:

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@Ian_R_Buck I am in the same boat as you. Fedex still says its in Anchorage needing a commercial invoice.

@Jonathan_Hay new info on mine: it is on the way, expected to be delivered tomorrow (one day later than initially expected). If yours doesn’t update soon, you may want to call them too.


Just released from customs! Should be here tomorrow! (Atlanta area)


Looks like mine released as well. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

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Just got my DIY kit, and installing OS now - thanks everyone for your input in this post - it has been helpful to be in the same boat as others, less anxiety that way, appreciate your input. Thanks and good luck to all those still waiting.

DIY kit just arrived! Wish me luck on the assembly, and fingers crossed no shipping damage :crossed_fingers:

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