AMD Batch 8 Guild

Yup. That’s it. Thanks.


Looks like framework/FedEx has resolved the clearance delay issue! My package got released in no time. (Anyone on the same plane?)

Mine was resolved and is in Indiana now!! SO EXCITED FOR MONDAY

Mine just departed Anchorage and is en route to Indianapolis…from there could either go to FedEx Hub in Memphis or hopefully just straight to Orlando.

I don’t get why it’s a weekday only delivery, mine is scheduled for monday before 1:30, with an estimate of 9-12AM. I can wfh, so I’m good, but seems annoying if you’re not getting it shipped to your place of work.

We must all be on the same pallet, lol. Thing is, I’m in Indianapolis but won’t get it until Monday.

After receiving my fw 13 yesterday and installing ram, ssd, windows and drivers. I installed brave browser and mpc-hc as well as Lightroom.

Everything going well but no real tests yet only some web browsing which was nice and snappy, screen looks nice.

However this morning all of a sudden it froze while doing some web browsing.
Nothing would correct it so I left it to wait and see. The blue windows page came up saying there was an issue and had to collect some data before shutting down.

I have to be honest, it freaked me out and a little of the shine wore off.

Need to figure out how to see a crash report and try to find out what caused it.

I hope it was a one off but that would not make sense…

Anyone else here had that happen?

A number of people have recommended downloading the auto driver installer from the AMD website as there are some more up-to-date drivers, and includes a few (supposed) forgotten drivers.

I installed it after installing Win 11 and have not experienced any hangs or BSODs yet.
(Though, I didn’t experience any BSODs before installing it, but I didn’t let the system run for long before updating)


@sebbykaz I just found the thread with all of the people having the same issue.

Kind of comforting not being alone on this one.

Thanks for the response, I will update the amd drivers now…

I have been looking for the reply button for Days

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My order shipped out early on Friday morning and has made it from Taiwan to Alaska to California to Tennessee. Final destination is Ontario, Canada. Expected delivery is on Monday!

Received it today, Dec 3rd. Original expected delivery was Nov 30th.
The laptop’s build quality looks good.
Installed Fedora 39 on it, which seems a bit unpolished. Can’t complain any further since it is free.

Here is the tracking history, delivered in Ontario, Canada.

From the reviews, It’s a rather boring update, unless you’re an everyday Fedora user….you probably wouldn’t know much has changed.

As far as it working on the FW…correct me if I’m wrong but I think it’s the most polished flavor of bunch….albeit a few things here and there.

F39 will be what I install tomorrow when my board arrives along with Windows (Dual boot).

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Had my first DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION already. BSOD’d during normal use, just doing writing in my browser. Moused over some text with.tbe trackpad and everything froze.
Sent in a support ticket already.

What do you mean? It runs perfectly on mine, with the default settings, the only (expected) problem is the screen resolution and I’m still deciding if I want to run at 100% scaling and default font size (which is workable, albeit kinda small), 100% scaling and increased font size (not ideal as it is a non default setting) or 125-150% scaling (which leads to blurry legacy apps).

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They’re expecting to deliver mine in the next 3 hours or so, I am very excited to finally get my hands on this thing!


Fedex seem to take the most indirect route possible
From Taiwan to the UK

Taiwan - Angels city Philippines - Guangzhou China - New Delhi - Dubai - Charles de Gaulle France - Stansted UK - 2 different sorting hubs in the UK

Now out for delivery visiting 7 countries :rofl:

France was pretty close to Germany. Why did it go back to China? :smiling_face_with_tear:

Still expected to be delivered on Tuesday, Dec 5th. So here I am, hoping it will really work out.

The customs were digitally processed in France before it was sent from China

Edit to add: it was never in France, it was still in China the whole time :slight_smile:

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I’m part of the batch 10 crew also in the UK. From the point it was shipped, how many days was it to get to being out for delivery in UK? Trying to get a sense of the shipping timeline. Seems like it’s about 4 to 5 days which is pretty quick but wanting to sense check.