AMD Batch 8 Guild

Mine shipped, on its way to me in the US, Dec 1st planned delivery date!!!

Same here. Hopefully it clears the customs today.

Mine is also in Germany… I’m traveling for work, so I will not see the product until Thursday next week.

Mine is shipped. No delivery date yet by FedEx. I am stoked to get this thing!

Mine is shipped this morning, arriving on Dec 1. Given the clearance delays that I saw on other posts, I would be very happy if I can get it by this weekend. Fingers crossed

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Still not charged in the us.
DIY 7840 no ram, no ssd, no charger, black bezel, every expansion card but microsd.

Same here…I just ordered an upgraded board (7840) and WiFi card. I’ve got everything else.

My credit card was charged (and received payment complete email) 21 h ago.
Received “order has shipped” email 7h ago, expected delivery date is 4th Dec to the UK.

DYI 7840 with 5 expansion cards (no ram, no ssd, no charger)

Same here, US east, maybe my choice of the blank keyboard is the culprit?

Basic us kb here.

Why would it go to France, after it already landed in Germany? :thinking: :astonished:


Shipped this morning (2023/11/29) in the US. Expected delivery 2023/12/1. :tada:

My package has the same status. Maybe they’re delivering all the EU laptops on a pallette to France, do the import paperwork there and then split it into multiple packages.

Yes, looks like FedEx is doing the European custom imports in Charles de Gaulle airport, if I’m reading the tracker ok.


Meanwhile in Canada; my package went from 3500 km away from me in one direction to 3500 km away from me in the opposite direction!


Apparently they are back in Germany

How reliable are the ETA’s?

Whats the chances of FedEx either delivering early, or delivering late?

In my neck of the woods the carriers tend to be + or - 24 hours YMMV.

As I’m typing this I just got successfully charged!
So far just “your order will be shipped in the next few business days” as far as shipping goes.

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I just got charged as well! Dutch batch, hurray!

Just charged here in the US, woohoo!