AMD Batch 9 Guild

It was shipped on Monday but is now stuck in China. The France stuff is about the digital documents for customs. The package never went to France.

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got here today, just finished assembling it :slight_smile:

having trouble getting it to boot an ISO but i strongly suspect my esoteric taste in linux distros is to blame :sweat_smile:

gonna give it another shot with something a little more conventional and see what happens

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Update: Fedora KDE is LOVELY, spent the remainder of the day studying and coding on it and I do not have a single gripe.

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Hum, it seems that batch 9 EU shipping is not lucky for sure. It seems that mine (wich followed the exact same path as many posted here actually left China this morning) I think they do not deliver on weekend so I expect my laptop to arrive on Monday ?

Others have the customs cleared status in their tracking, it is still in progress in ours. Let’s hope it will not affect delivery in any way. I think the chance of delivery this weekend is very low.

Arrived in Cologne a few minutes ago. They could deliver it to my place within 5 hours, but I doubt it,

what this forum expects:
what it most likely looks like in real life ;D :


Just a quick heads up , thanks for comments , the laptop went to Cologne ,Deutschland …said hello digitally ( to Roissy Charles De Gaulle) , then Stanstead London , and is now in Santry , Dublin … Happy days
:smiley: :blush::laughing::blush::laughing::blush:

This time they really moved the package from Cologne to France, further away from my place. They could have imported it in the destination country Germany, but hey, the package likes to see the whole world…

Well at least yours is moving ! mine has not moved since it arrived in cologne Yesterday afternoon… not sure what is going on with this batch but it does not make sense for sure.

Adding another point in the shipping “saga” here (I’m in Madrid, btw):

Since yesterday I was already bumped once with an additional day of delivery. It used to be Monday 11th, now it says Tuesday 12th.

If you assume that the initial France “stop-overs” were virtual only (for the import paperwork) then the package seems to be going from Taiwan → Philippines → China → Germany → France? No sure about the internals of FedEx but it looks complicated.

Nonetheless, you still have to wonder on how complex these logistics must be for them. Is it the most optimum path? Can their system do better? Maybe that’s the best routing for their current load and destinations…?

If you think about it, would it be better of you had NO visibility at all, and were just waiting for the postman’s ring on your door, or actually being able to see behind the curtain and see how the wheels turn…? I might laugh at the path routing now, but I least I have some new updates everyday to look at! :slight_smile:

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For me it’s back in Cologne again, crazy.

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Yeah its nuts , mines been in Dublin since 1am ish
Well if the laptops ever get here they will be the most widely
travelled things ever

Its ironic which ever way you look at it

If it is continuing like that with an insane path, batch 10 might be able to get their hands on theirs before us :sweat_smile:

Mine‘s in Dubai now. :thinking:

Fedex‘ website says it will be here in Germany on wednesday. I‘m optimistic. :slight_smile:

Mine arrived this morning at my doorstep. Was able to assemble during a meeting, but now need to work a bit before i can set it up. (Europe)

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Mine also arrived this morning after seeing the world :smiley:.

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I’m in batch 10 and haven’t been charged/shipped but I’ve seen others have taken delivery.

It really does seem like the pace is speeding up and there might not even be a need for batch 12 / 13 as they might have caught up to demand and just be in stock.

Got it in Barcelona. And very happy so far: