AMD Batch 9 Guild

I screwed up on the bezel installation.
I did follow the instructions, and open the lid 180 degrees to start with.

But I didn’t see the bottom left screen wiring (near the hinge) had come off so bottom left bezel didn’t properly attach. Then I closed the lid and when I tried to reopen it, the bottom left bezel corner got stuck in the hinge gap.

It was not a pretty sight. Bottom left bezel got torn up a bit as result.

I eventually got the bezel loose, re-aligned the wiring, etc …
but man, was i panicking!

So yeah, the bezel part was not fun for me.

And I almost stripped the SSD screw. So I used a T-6 to unscrew it.


Unless they plan on airdropping it, think estimate may be off for UK. No wozza. Comes when it comes.


Must be part of the same shipment, agree, unless its coming by drone, I have no hope it is today, gutted.

Just received tracking email, hopefully coming soon!

Flight time from Guangzhou to Stansted is 11h30 , so I hope it is landing about now. (G is GMT + 8) . Plane has to be unloaded and some or all the cargo from that plane taken to nearest Fedex depot. When it is scanned in we will get next update. Possibly 2 hours? Then sorted and sent out. Might still reach me this evening.
Lots of assumptions there - I know nothing about international logistics!

Hmm, that’s what I told myself yesterday. But this morning, I got the same notification as yesterday (on the way - GUANGZHOU CN), and the day before, and the day before that one.

When you see the “Departed FedEx hub”, then the package really left China. Currently, they just scan it every day to see if the package is still there and did not move on its own.

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Yes, that’s exactly what happened to me.

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It has now left Cologne, didn’t go to Stansted! Tracker has stopped saying it will arrive today :smirk:

Batch 10 orders arriving earlier than batch 9 orders.

The FedEx tracker is still saying it will arrive end of the day. In Scotland here. Somehow I think that’s unlikely.

Yeah I saw that and was amused :laughing: I signed up for the FedEx notifications and they told me yesterday my slot for between 8-12 had been deallocated and they’d let me know if I’d get another slot. Doesn’t reflect on their tracker though!

Monday for us then!

Ah that sucks. Guessing they do not ship Saturdays.

I kinda assumed, as on the FedEx tracking it mentioned “Deliver Weekday” on there

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Delay doesn’t matter, except I won’t have chance to get small grandson introduced to the joys of building serious tech

Hi anyone here from Ireland ?,
FedEx seem to have mislaid my laptop
was expecting today , but info on FedEx tracking says it went to
Taiwan , China , Philippines , then France , now back in China .
slightly disappointed

So it seems all the EU devices had their shipment release’s signed in France CDG, and the U.K. devices in Stansted in the U.K. This doesn’t mean the laptop was physically there, just that some paperwork was done to give it the go ahead for shipping internationally.

I imagine your device is still in China, not that it’s been misplaced. The U.K. devices seem to have arrived in Cologne and are on their way here as we speak. As for the EU laptops, I can only assume it’s on the way from China to some FedEx hub in Europe. Or it hasn’t left China at all. Hope that helps.

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It’s still in China, it will depart from China when you see the departed message.

Just got mine! Shipped on Monday, eastern Canada

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  • 08 Dec 2023 06:11

On the way GUANGZHOU, 510890, China


  • 07 Dec 2023 06:27

On the way GUANGZHOU, 510890, China


  • 06 Dec 2023 03:20

Clearance in progress ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, 95, 95702, France


  • 06 Dec 2023 07:19

On the way GUANGZHOU, 510890, China


  • 05 Dec 2023 16:48

International shipment release - Import ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, 95, 95702, France


  • 05 Dec 2023 04:03

On the way GUANGZHOU, 510890, China


  • 05 Dec 2023 02:15

Arrived at FedEx hub GUANGZHOU, 510890, China


  • 05 Dec 2023 00:11

On the way ANGELES CITY, 2009, Philippines


  • 04 Dec 2023 21:16

On the way TA YUAN DISTRICT, 337, Taiwan


  • 04 Dec 2023 20:42

On the way TA YUAN DISTRICT, 337, Taiwan


  • 04 Dec 2023 17:00

Left FedEx origin facility TAOYUAN, 337, Taiwan


  • 04 Dec 2023 16:54

Picked up
its hard to make sense of when i got the framework email that it shipped 5 days ago , so all of the above is bs then ?