Arch users: problems after updating mesa + lib32-mesa to 24.3.3-1?

For anyone running Arch (btw) on their 13" AMD, I’m noticing increased vRAM usage when the iGPU is idle. I think it began after recently updating mesa and lib32-mesa to the latest, 24.3.3-1.

Using glances or btop, I see that 80-90+% of the GPU’s vRAM is consumed at all times.

Anyone else?

Is that a problem? Do you have a problem?

Isn’t it like normal RAM, unused RAM is useless RAM?

I’m around 25% (0.455Gi/2.000Gi).
Of that 353 MiB is gnome-shell and 240 MiB is kgx (Gnome Console).

I used nvtop to see these details (used to only support Nvidia, but now also supports AMD and Intel).

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