Are there UDEV rules or similiar needed for the input modules?

I am currently using Fedora Silverblue 39.

In chrome when I go to the keyboard and macro pad are detected and can be paired with. However nothing shows up or works. I see the following errors:

Failed to open the device.
Device: Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard Module - ANSI
Vid: 0x32AC
Pid: 0x0012
Failed to open the device.
Device: Framework Laptop 16 RGB Macropad
Vid: 0x32AC
Pid: 0x0013
Received invalid protocol version from device
Device: Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard Module - ANSI
Vid: 0x32AC
Pid: 0x0012
Received invalid protocol version from device
Device: Framework Laptop 16 RGB Macropad
Vid: 0x32AC
Pid: 0x0013

i tried adding the following udev rules but this did not help.

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="32AC", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0012", TAG+="uaccess"
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="32AC", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0013", TAG+="uaccess"

Are there specific rules that need to be added to be able to configure them?

Thank you.

Does adding the udev rules from here work for you?

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That is what I needed. Thank you.