Are you keeping your Framework laptop?

I’m not privy to inside info, just stating what I’d like to see next. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Weird, I do this with my Framework and multiple different TV’s all the time. Last week I was sending Zoom audio/video to a HDMI TV & OBS preview video to 2 others (mine & presenter) at the same time. 4 video outputs at once.

But I do have to make sure that I am plugged into the right input on the TV’s and use my own cable that I know works for video / audio properly.

Have you checked out (or created) a thread about this or talked to Support.

and theres the real pull to framework. a decade down the line - they have funding, too… i think we’re gonna make it!!!

The keyboard on the Framework laptop really is excellent. I can type consistently 10 wpm faster on it just because of how well spaced it is. The extra travel space they gave us really pays off in having some positive feedback that you have indeed pushed the key.

Really love it and it was something I wasn’t really expecting to be that good.

Yeah, I feel the same when it comes to the keyboard. It definitely is one of the better ones in the thin & light space…probably in the top three.

Just need a Fn lock indicator.

…and spare keycaps from the marketplace some time later. (Don’t want to replace the keyboard section if I don’t have to)

The icing on the cake would be dedicated navigation keys (home, end, pg up, pg down, delete, insert). But that’s not going to happen comfortably on any 14 inch. So I’m happy with the compromise here.

If Framework ever release a 15/16 inch in the future…please consider the Omen 15 keyboard layout as an option? With another option being with numpad (for the 15/16 inch variant). i.e. Numpad or (home, end, pg up, pg down, delete, insert) keys.

Respectfully disagree there, if it was a 14" for sure there would be the space but even with current sizing.

Here is a 14" HP x360

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Personally, for those 6 keys, I have a preference on the traditional 3x2 layout. i.e. key placement falls under the comfortable umbrella…especially when switching between full size desktop keyboards.

Not exactly sure what you mean there, is the FW KB currently in this category?

If it is then my edit above is too because all that is changed there is the top row, the right shift key and the arrow keys.


I see, desktop KB style cluster. Well like you said that is never happening on this size. There is however IMO space to make them present and usable.

Yeah…dreaming of a 15/16 inch Framework option. Most have a numpad, some has layout like the HP Omen 15.

Now, also, imagine if the keyboard is swappable from the input cover, like some Dell Precisions and Lenovo ThinkPads…thereby giving you two options; with numpad, or with the above layout. That would be a first in the laptop industy.

Currently, the 14 inch Framework laptop’s input cover is machined in such a way that the keyboard layout is part of the input cover. IMO, the relatively more ideal way to handle this (when we have 15/16 inch units) is to separate the keyboard layout machining, from the input cover machining.

Like this:

The other thing that seems to be missing on the current Framework laptop is the slanted numpad with numlock.


Just to jump on the keyboard raft, designed to be part of a 15" laptop

The site is in English :slight_smile: mais the video’s audio ce’st Francais


The sound test video hurts my eyes… #NotTypingRightAndSlow.

If you’re not typing right, but can type fast, that’s cool.

p.s. I’m not trying to demand anything here…just a wish list should Framework ever decide to have a 15/16 inch model.

Noted this as well.

Apple shifted away from this style to that black plastic rectangle so the industry will be sure to follow suit :stuck_out_tongue: I agree it would be better if it was not part of the housing but a module.

Coolest thing I noticed was the laptops KB can be removed and used with any computer using the USB interface, awesome!

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I’m planning to keep this one for about ten years. If Framework makes it possible to use it longer, I’ll be ecstatic.

I have a college student this year and I am NOT planning on buying her one, just because this is still a ‘first adopter’ device, and I don’t think it quite is realizing all the benefits we’ll see in a few years.

There are a few design aspects I’m still waiting on updates for (keyboard!!) and a few I wasn’t sure about but now really like (screen ratio).

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I think the long term issue for me will be durability. The Framework does not feel ‘chuckable’ like a serious Dell/Lenovo work laptop would. The screen just feels so fragile and the metals so thin. I feel if I look at the screen the wrong way it will crack.

Its the only laptop I’ve take the trouble to buy a hardshell case to put it in my laptop bag with.

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I feel the same way as well. Hope the v2 lid will feel better. Waiting for reviews.

I’ve used an old ‘cotton’ case with two pockets.

I put a thin piece of plywood in one pocket, to the front, then put the laptop in the back pocket with it’s screen towards the plywood, then put that in my rucksack with the bottom of the laptop towards my back.

So far so good

I put a 3mm piece of this.

The thing is…I’m not bothered by ‘thin & light’ I don’t mind some heft. I’m used to the turn of the century laptop that weighed 8lbs and the power supply another 2lbs.

I had a different version of this for years…

I can handle some weight. I am not an enfeebled marmoset. Maybe instead of all the bells and whistles folks ask for maybe just build a thicker and deeper machine with a double capacity battery and better thermal cooling. I can go a kilo heavier no problem.

I doubt any major corporation would dare take on Frameworks for business use. It would be carnage. :joy:

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